Scholarships / Merit Awards / Incentives
6.1       Scholarships/Merit Awards / Incentives from Public Funds
All scholarships/ Merit Awards / Incentives paid from public funds, administered by the Department shall, in the absence, of any special provision to the contrary be awarded, held and drawn only as provisions below .

Sr. No.
Name of the Scheme( If applicable)
Nature of Incentive (e.g. Scholarships).
Unit Cost.(Rs.)
Rs 150/- per student per year
Below poverty (1-V )
Rs 4/- per student  for ten months
(Total Rs.40/-)
Girls Attendance 90% (I – V)
Rs 2/- per student for ten months
(Total Rs.20/-)
Army /border area ( children of army personnel killed / >
50% disability )
Rs 150/- (I-V) Boys & Girls and 250/- Boys &  500/- Girls ( VI- VII) per student per year.
Rs 250/- Boys & Girls 500/- Per student per year.
Middle Merit (VI –
Rs 400/- per Boy & / 800/- per Girl per
SC Pre-Matric
Rs 150/- per student per year
Lahaul Spiti Pattern
Scheme   (I-V).
Rs 8/- per student for ten months under
L & S Pattern all students of tribal eas &
150/- to IRDP student in tribal areas. (Total Rs. 80/-)
Pre –Matric OBC 50:50
in share of Centre and
Rs 750/- per student per year (I-V) and
900/-Per student per year for classes
This scholarship to
those students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation
100% Centrally sponsored Scheme.

Pre- Matric Minority
Community Scheme (
I- VIII) Sharing Pattern
Centre and State
Rs 1000/- per student per year for class (
I – V) and Rs. 1000/- per student per year admission fees per subject to actual Rs.500/- Maintenance allowance and


Rs.4200/- Tuition fee as per subject to
actual for classes (VI-X).
Distribution of Free Uniform & Writing Material

Rate of Uniform
per student (In
Rate of Writing material
per student (In Rs.)
Total Cost per student (In

Scholarship Schemes implemented in Elementary Education

6.2       Award of Scholarships

1)         Subject to the restrictions imposed by the subsequent rules of this chapter, the award of scholarships shall be on merit and in accordance with the results of public examinations. Provided that the application forms of the eligible students, complete in all respect, shall be submitted to the concerned authority as explained in the different schemes detailed in this chapter.
2)         If, any such candidate is unable to furnish the required certificate, the scholarship shall be offered on some terms to the next eligible candidate. But candidates who, though otherwise eligible, are unable to supply the certificate, shall be designated honorary scholars in the notification of the award under these rules.
3)         Any such scholar will be entitled to apply for a scholarship, in the event of a change in his financial circumstances bringing him within the prescribed income limits.
4)         The award of scholarships from state revenues shall be restricted to the candidates whose parents domicile is in Himachal Pradesh.

6.3       Alteration in Scholarships

The amount of scholarship, the period for which it is awarded and the class of school in which it is tenable shall be fixed and shall not be altered during its currency with a particular scholar.

Any alteration in the number, value or conditions attached to a particular scholarship shall be publically notified in the area from which competitors are drawn at least six months before an award under the revised rules is made.

6.4       Close Scholarship

The value of a close scholarship paid from public funds shall in no case exceed that of an open scholarship of the same class.

6.5       Two or more Scholarships held together

No scholar can hold at the same time, two or more scholarships. A scholarship, paid from the public funds, shall not be awarded to a scholar who, merely by virtue of the place gained by him in the pass list of a public examination, has won an endowed scholarship of the same or a higher value except in case where the donor of the endowed scholarship has expressly stipulated that the scholarship endowed by him may be so held. A scholarship, paid from public funds, may, however be held together with an endowed scholarship when the latter is awarded for proficiency in same specific object and not on the general results of the examination.

6.6       Period for which the Scholarships may be drawn

Scholarships may be drawn only for the period stated below:

1)        days of attendance;
2)        Sundays, sanctioned holidays and vacations;
3)         days of absence without leave, if shown to be unavoidable, not exceeding two working days in a calendar month;
4)        days of sick leave not exceeding six working days at one time or not thirty working days in the school  year;
5)        days of ordinary leave, granted by the Head of the Institution, for not more than six working days at one time, or not for more than 14 working days in the school  year. If the period of absence exceeds the number of working days admissible, the scholarship shall not be payable for any part of such period of absence. In the case of girls, scholarships may be drawn for absence for double the period given in (iii), (iv) & (v)
6)         to the close of the month in which a public examination takes place, for which a scholar is sent up by the Head of the Institution;
7)         days of transit, up to the limit of one week, on the transfer of a scholarship from   one   institution   to   another,   not   situated   in   the   sam town. Matriculation and senior secondary scholarship can be drawn up to the end of  the  year,  in  which  the  holder  has  appeared  in  the  prescribed examination and without attendance after such appearance, if permitted to

be absent by the Head of the institution and middle school scholarships can be drawn up to the end of March of the year, in which the holder has appeared in the prescribed middle school examination.

6.7       Lapse of Scholarship

A scholarship shall lapse if it is not taken up in the school classes within a month of its award or  if the scholar dies or if scholar  is absent without leave for six consecutive school  working days or with ordinary leave for more than one month or with sick leave for more than three months at one time or if the scholar, on transfer from one school to another, fails to join second institution within fourteen days of leaving the former institution or if the scholar ceases to attend a school at which the scholarship is tenable or to the course for which it is granted and not otherwise, except when the awarding authority, is satisfied that the delay was unavoidable.

6.8       Forfeiture of Scholarship

1          A  scholarship  shall  be  forfeited  for  gross  misconduct,  laziness,  or irregularity of attendance on the part of the scholar, and the head of the institution in which the scholarship is held shall ensure that payment of such scholarship is discontinued to a scholar who has thus forfeited it.

2           The lapse or forfeiture of a scholarship shall be reported to the Director of
Elementary Education.
3           The reason for lapse or forfeiture shall in all cases be stated.

6.9       Certificates to accompany bills for Scholarship

A certificate in the following terms signed by the Head of the Institution shall accompany all bills for scholarships:

“I hereby certify that the scholar, on whose account the above amount has been drawn, has been regular in attendance and has   conformed to the rules under which the scholarships are tenable.”

6.10     Transfer of Scholarships

An application for the transfer of a scholarship from one institution to another shall be submitted together with the transfer certificate, through the Head of the institution to which the scholarship is to be transferred to the officer by whom the scholarship was awarded. The awarding officer after satisfying himself that the scholarship is still current, shall notify the transfer to the Head of the Institution

and also to the paying authority concerned. The latter will note the transfer on award roll.

6.11     Scholarship not ordinarily re-awarded

When a scholarship lapses or is forfeited it will not ordinarily be re-awarded. When, however, a scholarship, which has been awarded, has not been taken up or when a scholarship has lapsed owing to the death of scholar, a re-award may be made at the discretion of the awarding officer or authority; the scholarship, in such cases, being tenable from the date of the re-award to the end of the period for which the scholarship was originally awarded

6.12     Preferential claims to admission

If, in any recognized institution maintained by government, it is found necessary in any year for lack of accommodation or teaching power, to refuse admission to candidate’s scholars shall have preferential claim to admission over all other seeking admission at the same time.

6.13     Scholarships paid from public funds where tenable

Scholarships payable from public funds are tenable in recognized institutions only. It is also required in unaided schools that the tuition fees at not less than 50 per cent of the rates charged in government schools shall be levied from all holders of scholarships paid from public funds.

6.14     Scholarship holders not eligible for concessions

Scholarship holders in general shall not be eligible for other concessions but in very exceptional circumstances and that only with the express sanction of the Dy.Director Elementary Education.

6.15     IRDP Scholarship Scheme

Under the IRDP scholarship scheme started from the year 1991-1992 the students belonging to the families living below poverty line receiving education in state government Elementary schools are paid IRDP scholarship @ Rs. 150/ per annum per student.

6.16     Payment of Scholarship to Physically Handicapped.

Rules to regulate payment of Scholarship to Physically Handicapped

1.         Object

The main purpose of the scholarships for the physically handicapped is to assist them to secure such education, technical or professional training so as to enable them to earn a living and to become useful members of the society.

2.         Scope

For the purpose of these scholarships, the term “physically handicapped” shall comprise three categories of the physically handicapped viz. the blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically handicapped.

3.         Definition of the physically handicapped

1)        Blind: The blind are those who suffer from either of the following condition:-
1    Total absence of sight;
2    Visual acquity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Shellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;
3    Limitation of the field of vision substanding and angle of 20 degree or worse.

2)        The deaf:
The  deaf  are  those  in  whom  the  sense  of  hearing  is  non-functional  for  the ordinary purpose of life. Generally a loss of hearing at 70 decibels or above at
500, 1000 or 2000 frequencies will make residual hearing non-functional.

3)         Orthopaedically handicapped: The orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity, which causes interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints.

4.         Applicability

These  rules  shall  apply  only  to  the  physically  handicapped  persons  who  are regular students of Primary / Middle schools. Under these rules, scholarships will be  awarded  for  studies  from standard  first  to  post  graduate  course  including diploma courses/vocational/technical/professional courses.

5.         Eligibility

For the purpose of award of scholarships under these rules, the physically handicapped students must fulfil the following conditions:

1)        The applicant must be bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh.

2)         The applicant must be a regular student of recognized school including public and convent schools.
3)         The applicant’s parents/guardian’s combined annual income should not exceed Rs. 60,000/- (sixty thousand).
4)         The applicant is not residing and receiving maintenance in any institution under Directorate of Welfare/Local Bodies/Government of India or other private organizations.
5)         The applicant is not in receipt of any other stipend/scholarship from any other source.
6)        The disability of applicant should be 40% or above.

6.         Type and rate of Scholarship and other Allowances

1.         The rate of scholarship shall be as under:-

1)  (I to V)
Day scholar                                  Boarders
Rs. 150/ p.m.                                Rs. 300/ p.m.

2)  VI to VIII
Rs. 200/ p.m.                                Rs. 400/ p.m.

The boarder’s rates shall be applicable to those students who reside in the hostel and this fact should be verified by the principal/headmaster of the institution.

1)  The scholarships at the said rates will be given for a year through the
Head of
the Institution. The scholarship once sanctioned should be drawn continuously but the applicant will have to produce annual progress report on the prescribed proforma.
2) The scholarship holder will be required to refund the amount of scholarship already paid, if during the course of the studies for which scholarship is awarded, the studies are discontinued without any reasonable explanation or valid reasons or students fail in the examination.
3)  If  at  any  stage,  information  furnished  by  the  applicant  is  found incorrect, the scholarship will be cancelled besides taking other action.
4)  In the case of blind candidate or who is handicapped in both hands, readers allowance shall be paid @ Rs. 50/- p.m. in addition to the scholarships if it is certified by the head of the Institution and Orthopedic Surgeon (Appendix-II) that the candidate has continuously employed a reader during the period of study.
5)  In the case of an orthopaedically handicapped candidate the additional allowance  of  Rs.  50/-  p.m.  for  the  purchase  and  maintenance  of

prosthetic appliance shall be paid on the recommendation of the Head of the Institution or an Orthopedic Surgeon.
6) In the case of an orthopaedically handicapped candidate who has abnormal defect, requiring special arrangements for transport, an additional monthly allowance of Rs 15/- may be sanctioned. Each case will be examined on its own merits on the recommendation of the Head of the Institution/establishment and on the basis of medical certificate of the orthopedic surgeon.

7.         Mode of applying

Application should be made to the Director of Welfare H.P. in the prescribed form (Appendix-I) through the head of institution where the candidate is admitted as a student.

1.         Documents  to  accompany  application:  Each  application  shall  be accompanied by the following documents:

1)         Medical   certificate:    certificat in   the   prescribed   form Appendix-II that the candidate is blind, deaf, orthopaedically handicapped, as the case may be, within the meaning of the definition given in Rule-3 from the medical board constituted at all district levels under the chairmanship of Chief Medical Officer.
2)         Income certificate: A certificate from Revenue Officer not below the rank of Naib Tehsildar indicating clearly the monthly income of  both  the  parents  and  guardians  of  the  candidate  in  form Appendix -III.

8.         Payment

The amount of the scholarship will be drawn by the concerned District Welfare Officer. The payment of scholarship will be made to the Head of the Institution for disbursement to the awardee.

9.         Sanctioning Authority
The Deputy Commissioner shall be the sanctioning authority under these rules.

10.       Audit

1)         The audit of the expenditure on account of scholarship will be conducted by the A.G. (Audit) H.P. Shimla in the office of the District Welfare Officer.
2)         A register indicating therein the name and complete address of persons to whom the scholarships are sanctioned and amount disbursed therefor shall be maintained in the office of the District Welfare Officer. The District Welfare Officer will be responsible for making the payment and obtaining

APRs.   The   applications   of   students/sanctioned   scholarship   will   be returned to the District Welfare Officer by the Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned.

11.       Other conditions
1)         The Government of Himachal Pradesh reserves the rights to amend the rules without notice.
2)         The  amount  sanctioned  will  be  debitable  under  head  “2235  -  social security and welfare 02-social welfare. 107-grant to other vol. agencies.
02- other voluntary agencies (Plan/non-plan).
3)         These rules are applicable to the students studying in I to VIII classes. The students/trainees  from  9th   class  onward  will  be  governed  under  the separate rules.

(Notified by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh (Department of Social and Women’s Welfare vide notification number Kalyan –A (3)-5/81-11 dated 20-8-1988 read with notification number Kalyan-A(3)-5/81-111 dated 28-11-2000)

Appendix-I (Reference Para 7.16.7) Government of Himachal Pradesh Social and Women’s Welfare Department
Application  form  for  the  award  of  scholarship  to  the  physically  handicapped persons.

Application,  duly  filled,  in  must  reach  the  District  Welfare  Officer  of  the concerned district not later than                                                              . The application received thereafter, will not be entertained.

Name in full (in block letters)
Father’s name:

Guardian’s name:

Residential address:

Permanent address:

Date of birth (in christen era):
Whether belongs to scheduled

Parent’s/guardian’s profession:

Total monthly income of both parents/guardian:

10.       Particulars of last examination passed:

Name of examination


Name of institution
Name of board/university

11. Please state if you have been in receipt of any scholarship from any other source, if so indicate
1)  The source
2)  Monthly amount.
12. Have you ever received scholarship under the scheme, if yes, indicate:
1)  Course/class
2)  Period for which scholarship was paid.
13. Course/class in which admitted
1)  Date of admission:
2)  Present course/class:
3)  Approx. date of termination of course/class during the current academic year:
14. For blind:-
Have you engaged a reader? If yes, please indicate:-
1)  Amount paid per month:
2)  Date of engagement:

Date                                                                                        Signature of applicant

Declaration to be signed by the father/guardian of the child

I hereby declare:
i)   That the particulars given regarding my ward sh./kum.                               in the application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that no material information has been concealed or withheld which has a bearing on selection.
ii)  That my ward shall not accept emoluments, scholarships or any other financial assistance of grant-in-aid other source during the tenure of the scholarship if awarded to him/her under the above scheme.

Signature of the parent/guardian

Appendix-II (Reference Para 7.16.7 ii.a) Medical Certificate for Physically Handicapped Persons
Certified      that      the      State/District      Medical      Board      at      state/zonal/district hospital                             H.P., examined the candidate whose signature and particulars are given below:

Name:                                                          s/o,d/o,w/o           sh:                                         
age                        sex                    address                                                                   
R/O                              P.O.                                        Teshil                                        Distri ct                     H.P.

Signature of candidate Identification mark of candidate: Category of disability:
i)         Blindness ii)        Low vision
iii)       Hearing impaired
iv)       Locomotor impaired v)        Mental impaired
vi)       Mental retardation vii)      Leprosy cured

Nature of disability: Permanent/temporary, mild, moderate, severe, profound/total.

Validity of certificate: Specify the date in case of temporary disability.

Extent of disability: Other particulars clarifying the disability including the percentage of disability:
Adds/Appliances recommended if any:

Photo stamp size

(1)        Member concerned speciality signature         

Stamp size photograph                       Stamp. of candidate.
(2)       Any other member


Date:                            (3)      Chairman


Appendix-III (Reference Para 7.16.7 ii.b) Income Certificate
Certified that the total combined income from all sources of both parents/guardians of

sh./kum.                                               Rs.                                    per month.

resident         of                                              is

Signature of Revenue Officer
(with seal)


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