Allow no percentage bar for appearing in TET in context of verdict by Nainital High Court- VIJAY KUMAR HEER
To Honorable Chief Minister, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Subject: Allow no percentage in 10+2/graduation bar for appearing in TET in context of verdict byNainital High Court Sir, With regards, I want to have your kind attention in the matter of TET(teacher eligibility test) because the TET in HP has been conducted by imposing the percentage bar of 50% marks in 10+2/Graduation and 45% marks in same classes for Reserved categories as per the old directions issued by NCTE ,Delhi but the matter needs deep restrospection after the historical verdict by Uttarakhand High Court, Nainital whose important lines of decision are of our main concern as below:- Writ Petition No. 772 (SS) of 2011 (Baldev Singh and others Vs. State of Uttarakhand and others) was decided by an order dated 20.8.2011, holding the validity of TET and rejecting the claim of the petitioners regarding holding of such examination. At the same time, this Court also held that fixing the minimum percentage of marks in...