CWP No.l502/ 2012 Ms Nisha Kumari D/O Sh Nikka Ram (at present W/O Sh. Pawan Kumar). R/O Village Karha. P.O. Bijhari. Tehsil Mehare. Distt Hamirpur. H.P.. presently residing at Village Kotlu Brahamna, Tehsil Ghumarwin, District Bilaspur. H.P. t ....Petitioner. versus 1. State of H.P through Secretary Education, Govt of H.P. 2. Director of Elementary Education. Directorate of Education. Government of H.P , Shimla-l. ...Respondents. Writ Petitions under Articles 226/227 of the Constitution of India. Coram. The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Karol. Judge. For the Petitioners : Mr. DuShyant Dadwai & Mr. Chandranarayana Singh, Advocates. For the Respondents: Mr Ramesh Thakur. Assistant Advocate General and Ms Anita Dogra, Central Government Counsel. justice Saniav Karol. ) These bunch matters are betng disposed of by a common judgment since relief claimed for is identical and facts are similar. In CWP No 1746 of 2011. petitioner has prayed fcr the follow...