RTE, Equity and Social Inclusion:
The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment)
Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide
free and compulsory education to all children in
the age group of six to fourteen years
as Fundamental Right in such a manner as the
State may, by law, determine. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE)
Act, 2009, which
represents the
consequential legislation envisaged
under Article 21-A , means that every
child has a right to full time elementary
education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school which
satisfies certain essential norms and standards. The need to
address inadequacies in retention,
residual access, particularly
of un-reached children, and the questions of quality are the most compelling reasons for the insertion of
Article 21-A in the Constitution of India and the passage of the RTE Act, 2009 in the
Article 21-A and the RTE Act came into effect on 1 April 2010.
The title of the
RTE Act incorporates the words ‘Free and compulsory.’
‘ Free education’ means
that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents
to a school which
is not supported by the appropriate Government , shall
be liable
to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from
pursuing and completing elementary education. ‘Compulsory
education’ casts an obligation on the Appropriate Government
and local authorities to provide
and ensure admission, attendance
and completion of elementary
education by all children
in the age group of 6-14 years.
With this, India has moved forward to a
right based framework that casts
a legal obligation on the Central and State
Governments to implement this fundamental child right as enshrined
in the Article
21-A of the
Constitution, in accordance with the provisions of the RTE Act.
The new
law provides a
justiciable legal framework that
entitles all children between the age of 6-14 years free
and compulsory admission, attendance and completion of elementary education. It provides for children’s right to
an education of equitable quality, based on principles of equity and non-discrimination.
Most importantly, it provides for children’s right to an education
that is free from fear, stress
and anxiety.
Salient Features of the RTE Act, 2009
The RTE Act, 2009 provides for:
1) The right of children to free and compulsory
education till completion of elementary
education in a neighbourhood school.
2) It clarifies that ‘compulsory education’ means obligation
of the appropriate government
to provide free elementary education
and ensure compulsory admission,
completion of
elementary education
child in age group of the six
to fourteen years. ‘Free’ means that no child
shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing
elementary education.
3) It makes
provisions for a non-admitted child to be admitted to an age appropriate class.
4) It specifies the duties and responsibilities of appropriate Governments, local authorities and parents in providing free and compulsory education, and sharing of financial and other responsibilities between the Centre and State
5) It lays down the norms and standards relating inter alia to Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs), buildings and
school-working days, teacher- working hours.
6) It provides for rational
deployment of teachers
by ensuring that the specified
pupil teacher ratio is
maintained for each school, rather than just as an
average for the State or District
or Block, thus ensuring that there is no
urban-rural imbalance in teacher postings. It also provides for prohibition of deployment of teachers for non-educational
work, other than decennial census, elections to local authority. State legislatures and parliament, and disaster relief.
7) It provides for appointment of appropriately trained
teachers, i.e. teachers with the requisite entry and academic
8) It prohibits
(a) Physical punishment and mental harassment to child
; (b) screening procedures for admission of children; (c) Leving capitation fee; (d) private
by teachers and (e) running of schools
9) It provides
for development of curriculum in consonance with the values enshrined in the Constitution,
which would
ensure the
all-round development of the child, building
on the child’s knowledge, potentiality
and talent and making the child free of fear,
trauma and anxiety through a
system of child friendly and child centred learning.
Child Entitlements – the
Rights Perspective
2.3.1 In the present phase of SSA, it is mandatory to ensure that the approach and
strategies for universalising elementary education
the rights
perspective mandated
under the RTE Act. The RTE Act provides that
‘Every child
of the age of 6-14 years shall have a right to free and
compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education.
Free education is defined as ‘removal of any financial
barrier by the state that
prevents a child from completing eight years of schooling’.
‘Compulsory education’ means obligation of the appropriate government to provide free elementary
education and ensure compulsory admission,
attendance and completion of elementary
education to every
in the six to fourteen age
group. In addition
to the SSA provisions, most of the
States are addressing the issue of financial barriers by providing incentives in the form of
uniforms, notebooks,
stationary, school bags, scholarships and transportation facilities, as required. However, the
incentive based approach would need to shift to an entitlement perspective.
This paradigm shift needs to be reflected not only in SSA,
but in all interventions,
programmes and schemes for elementary education of the State Governments, as also in the mind set of all the agencies
involved in the implementation
of the SSA.
2.3.2 The Rights perspective under the RTE Act has also brought in new monitoring mechanisms to ensure that child rights under
the Act are protected. The RTE Act provides
for constitutionally created
independent bodies like the National
and State Commissions for Protection
of Child Rights to perform
this role. These bodies, with quasi-judicial powers bring in an element of monitoring new to the implementation of SSA, requiring
that internal monitoring mechanisms under the SSA engage purposefully with these independent bodies.
RTE Roadmap
2.4.1 The RTE provides a
enforceable rights
framework with
certain unambiguous time targets that Governments must adhere to. For example, the Act mandates
that every child in the age group of 6-14 years shall have a right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school. The Act also provides
that if a school does not exist in an area or limit prescribed as
the neighbourhood, the appropriate Government and the local authority shall
establish a school in this
area within a period of three years. Therefore, all children-girls and boys from
disadvantaged groups and economically weaker
sections, children with special needs, children involved
in child labour
and so on, must be in a school
within three years time starting from
1 April 2010. This provision
in the RTE Act is applicable to SSA goals on access and universalisation
of elementary education. The following
timeframes, mandated by the RTE Act, has become immediately
applicable to SSA:
Time Frame
of neighbourhood schools
3 years (by 31st March,2013)
• Provision of school infrastructure
• All weather school buildings
• One – classroom –one –teacher
• Office cum-store-cum-Head teacher room
• Toilets and drinking water facilities
• Barriers free access
• Library
• Playground
• Fencing/boundary walls
3 years (by 31st March, 2013)
Provision of teachers as per prescribed
3 years ( by
31st March,
Training of
untrained teachers
5 years (by 31st March 2015)
All quality
intervention and other provisions
immediate effect
The RTE Act, 2009 has defined
children belonging to disadvantaged groups and children
belonging to weaker sections as follows:
Groups are defined as those groups who belong to the “SC, ST, socially
and educationally backward class or such other group having
disadvantage owing to social, cultural,
economical, geographical,
linguistic, gender, or such other factors as may be specified by the
appropriate Government by
2.4.2 The
Act requires the appropriate Government
local authority to “ensure that the child
belonging to weaker sections or the
child beonging to disadvantaged groups are not discriminated against and prevented from pursuing and
completing elementary education on any grounds’.
2.4.3 In stating thus the RTE Act opens up the whole sphere of circumstances which come in the way of a child’ enrolment and
participation in school,
and his/her completion of the elementary stage. This
necessitates an attempt at listing of categories of children who might be covered under section 2(d) and (e) and spell out possible strategies
to prevent explicit and implicit
discrimination in pursuing and completing elementary education.
2.4.4 Gender cuts across
the categories of disadvantaged groups as well as weaker sections. The RTE Act in different
sections makes reference to gender and girls education both explicitly and
of the relevant provisions are: no discrimination against children from ‘disadvantaged groups and ‘weaker sections’
on any grounds(including gender ); inclusion of women in school maintaining committees; provision
of good quality education that
includes equity issues, curriculum development in conformity with constitutional stipulations, training, enrolment in age appropriated classes (which will largely apply to girls, especially
from disadvantaged communities).
Role of Parents
Parents would
need to play a little bit more active
role in school in monitoring and implementation of RTE stipulations and facilitating
children to learn at their own
pace without fear, anxiety
and stress. Parents have crucial role in understanding
and appreciating the individual potential of every child, and his / her own pace of learning. Parents need to be involved
in discussion to understand the significance
of interactive
learning free from stress
and anxiety, tests
and exams being replaced by a system of
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, the fact that there should be no corporal
punishment, no tuition,
and no detention. Once they are
convinced of this, it would be easier to
solicit their participation in the
school development and management
processes. Another challenging aspect before the community now is to identify out-of-school children
in the locality and bring
them to an age appropriate class in a school.
Efforts made in SSA for community participation will thus need to focus on awareness generation and participation of parents as an important partner.
Role of Children
Children’s participation
in universalizing equitable access,
retention and quality is
an important and desirable catalyst for realization of
their right to education. Without children’s participation
in the schooling process, schools cannot be made
child-friendly and child-centered. Concepts like Children’s Cabinet, Children’s Parliament, Meena Manch,
etc. need to be encouraged in every school, thus ensuring children’s active participation in school management and development. SSA would encourage
formation of children’s collective and support groups for
children without adult protection to address deficit of community
support and ownership.
Role of Teachers
Issues relating
to teachers have been discussed in the
However, in the context of community participation it is important to underline the significance of
the teacher as a key partner in planning
and implementing community participation
strategies. In fact, participation for RTE implies a mutually supportive and collaborative partnership among
parents, community
It is an established fact that
perform better and with enthusiasm
if they get wholehearted parental and
community support. Therefore, the
teacher like other stakeholders will have to be taken into
confidence, and their capacities
built to enable them to play their part effectively.
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