School Building, Play Ground and Sports

8.1    Site and construction of school building
A school building is required to be designed properly keeping in view the requirements of the institution. The building should be constructed on a proper and suitable site that is large enough to provide for the present and future needs of the institution. An ideal school building should be situated in a healthy locality and a respectable neighborhood having proper ventilation, lighting and sanitary arrangements. A school building shall be constructed according to the specifications  approved  by  the  Education  Department  from  time  to  time. Normally, the Elementary (Primary) school building shall have a minimum of three rooms of   dimension of 8 x 6 meters and a verandah in front of the room.Separate toilets for boys, girls and staff will also be provided as per requirement.
The Elementary (Upper Primary) school building will consist of three rooms of 8x6 meters with varandha and one office cum staff room.

8.2     Repairs and maintenance

The Elementary (Primary) school building will be maintained by the concerned Panchayat, as the control, repair and maintenance of the primary school buildings have been transferred to the Panchayati Raj Institutions. For detailed instructions in this regard, see chapter-XI of devolution of powers to the PR institutions.

Similarly, the Elementary (Upper Primary) school buildings will be maintained by the concerned agencies such as school management committee, Education Department and P.W.D. or any other agency out of regular maintenance budget provided by the department.

EssentiaminorepairwilbcarrieoubthSchooManagement Committee, out of  budget / grant sanctioned by the department  to ensure the long life of the school building.

8.3     Play Ground

A playground is also essential for all round development of the children.

Everschooiexpectethave  a  plagrouniordetpromotsports activities and inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship among the children.

An institution/school will only be able to take up physical activities, co-curricular activities and other recreational items when it has the facilitiy of a play ground attached with it.

8.4      Sports

8.4.1    Introduction

Physical education was made compulsory in the year 1996 in Schools of the State for students upto the age of 14 years. Since then the tournaments are being organized right from Centre Block/District to State level by the concerned authorities (i.e. Centre Head, Block Elementary Education Officer, Block Physical Education Teacher, Dy. Director Elementary Education, and Director of Elementary Education) in the following disciplines for both boys and girls.

1 Volley ball , Kho-Kho, Kabaddi,Badminton

2 Atheletics

1)           Races: 60 mts, 100 mts, 200 mts, 1500 mts, cross country
2)           Jump: High jump, long jump
3)           Throw; Shotput

3.  Cultural activities:-
Writing, Quiz , Solo song, declamation, group song, one act play and folk dance.
The number of days is also allotted to organize tournaments at different levels as shown below:

1)      Centre level  3 days
2)      Block leve 3 days
3)       Distt. Level 4 days
4)      State leve 5 days
8.4.2    Under 14 years:

1.      Volley ball, kabaddi, kho-kho, Badminton, Football, Hockey, Handball, Basket ball.
2.      Athletics: 100 mts, 200 mts, 400 mts, 600 mts, 4x 400 relay, cross country boys (5 km) girls 3 km.

1)     Shot put , Discuss
2)     High jump, Long jump
3)      Co-Curricular  activities:  Vocal  solo,  Declamation  Contest,  Group
Instrumental, Group Song, One act play, Folk dance.
Block level :-
3 days boys & 3 days girls (minor games)
Distt. Level :-
5 days boys & 5 days girls (included major games)
State levels:-
3  days  boys  (minor  games),  3  days  girls  (minor


The number of days is also allotted to organize tournaments at different levels as shown below:

State level :-
4 days (major games) , 4 days girls (major games)
State level :-
2 days boys(cultural) , 2 days girls(cultural)
State level:-
2 days boys (Athletics.), 2 days girls (Athletics)

8.4.3    Constitution of Himachal Elementary School Sports Association
1.         The name of the association will be Himachal Elementary School Sports
Associatlon (HESSA)

1)  The aim of the Himachal Pradesh Elementary School Sports Association is to start at all levels the sports and physical education system throughout Himachal Pardesh and to abide by the rules under it.

2)  These rules will also be applicable in District Institute of Education and Training (DIETS) but the duration and the rules of games will be different which have been mentioned in this constitution.

3)  On the same pattern, The Elementary Schools Sports Association will be constituted at Centre, Block and District level which will be affiliated to Himachal Elementary Schools Sports Association.

4For constituting this association at the state level, the members will be chosen by the President/Director Elementar Education, Secretar of Himacha Pradesh Elementary Schools Sports Association and similarly in the Distt. Also, the members will be chosen by the DDEE cum Secretary, ADPEO Elementary.

5)  Senior Vice President, Members (audit) and further committees will be chosen by the members of the General house.

6)  At Block level also, the committees of block level Elementary Schools Sports Association will be constituted, in which the Block Elementary Education Officer will be the President and Head teacher of the Centre School will be the Secretary. If the Physical Block Education Officers are appointed in the Elementary Schools, then these officers will be the Presidents at the block level.

8.4. Constitution of Executives at State /Distt/Block levels State Level Committee

1)  President                                 - Director Elementary Education
2)  General Secretary                   - Dy. Director of Phy. Edu. / Asstt. Director of Phy. Edu.
3)  Jt. Secretary                            - ADPEO (H.Q)
4)  Treasurer                                 - ADPEO (HQ)
5)  Senior Vice President              - Elected from amongst DDEE
6)  Vice President-I                      - Senior Principal, DIET (by election)
7)  Vice President-II                      -Headmaster/will be nominated

8)  Member (Executive)                   - To be elected from DIET from amongst

BEEOs Six members  (Elected)

Auditors (3)                               1. DDEE (elected)
2. Principal, DIET (elected)
3. SeniorBlock Elementary Education Officers (elected)

Distt/Block Level Committee

This committee will be constituted on the above pattern.

Note: Asstt. Distt. Physical Education Officer will be the secretary. So long as he is not appointed, the senior Block Physical Education Officer of District or any Senior Physical Education Teacher who is  interested in sports activities will be appointed. The committee at the block level will also be constituted on the same pattern.

Note: Two members from Distt. Level to represent the state and two members from block level to represent the Distt, will be elected.

The schools participating in the tournament shall mean the schools run and recognized by the Govt. Those schools which have not been recognised by the Govt. will not be eligible to participate in the tournaments.

8.4.5  Objectives
1)         Overall development of Elementary school students (boys and girls) in the field  of  Physical  Education  i.e.  their  mental,  physical  and  spiritual
2)         To ensure bright and promising future of all students (boys and girls) in the field of  Sports,  imparting  them training  in  Athletic  games,  Physical
Educational Activities, Yoga and Cultural programmes.
3)         To make adequate facilities available throughout Himachal Pradesh for the said over all development
4)         To organize tournaments at Block, Zonal, District, State and National level in all over Himachal Pradesh. The decision to organize this competition, once in a year, will be taken by the Executive Committee.
5)         To accord approval for awarding certificates, trophies, shields and other prizes to encourage students.
6)        To make provisions for award of scholarships to top most & talented players.
7)         To  encourage,  by  all  means,  all  the  District  Elementary  Schools  Sports
Associations for their further development.
8)         To organize training camps for the selected players to prepare them for taking

part in next higher level sports competitions and for that to appoint higher level Trainers.
9)        To collect adequate funds from Govt. and  other sources to accomplish the above
tasks and to utilize the funds in a proper manner through the association.
The Association can utilize the money from the said purpose at its own discretion.
10)      The Association should have affiliation with the H.P. Sports Council which
should have affiliation with the "Schools Games Federation of India"
11)      The  President  of  the  H.P.  Elementary  Schools  Sports  Association  cum
Director, Elementary Education will be competent to spend Rs. 50000/- and the Secretary, Elementary Schools Association to Rs. 20000/-.
12)       To  develop  responsible  leadership,  moral  and  cultural  traits  among  the students and to boost the talents of students belonging to the rural, remote and
backward areas.

8.4.6     At the District Level , the President of the Elementary Schools Sports Association viz. Deputy Director of Elementary Education will be competent to accord sanction for Rs. 30000/- and Secretary for Rs. 10000/-
. In respect of other expenses, the President will be competent to spend from the HESSA/DESSA at its own discretion according to the requirements.

8.4.7  Eligibility Form

Following formalities will have to be completed by every team for participating from the block level tournament to state level tournament.
Every team will submit its eligibility form, the sample of which is as under:


(To be submitted in duplicate in Central /Block/ Zonal / District Tournament)

1.        Name of pupil (in block letters):        ……………………...

2.        Name of School:……………………..

3.         Father's Name(in full) :……………………

4.         Home address (in full):…………………….

5.         Date of birth……………………

6.         Date of joining the School……………………

7.         Admission No………………..

8.         Standard in which studying …………………….

9.         Since when………………….

10.       Percentage of attendance…………..

11.       Two prominent bodily marks of the pupil………………….

12.       Details of the previous participation( mention year)………………..

Signature of the pupil

I certify that the above particulars are correct as disclosed by admission and other registers of this School and that there is no arrears of School fees from pupil.

(School Seal) Date ………………………..

Signature Contigent Leader Name…………….. Designation
With Seal

Note: - ADE (Phy. Edu/ADPEO)  will sign on separate form. Signature of Head of Institution (with seal)
Note: Passport size photo duly signed by the DDEE/ADPEO is necessary for state level tournaments.
1 Group photo duly signed by the concerned DPEO is necessary for Distt., level tournaments.
2 Photo will not be necessary in Block / Zonal level tournaments.
3.  Entry Form is necessary from the lowest level upto the State level, the sample of each is as under;

i Serial No.                                                  ………………………… ii.  Name of Player                                         ………………………… iii. Name of School                                        ………………………… iv. Admission number and date                      ………………………… v Date of birth (in figures and words)          ………………………… vi. Percentage of attendance                           …………………………
(Minimum attendance required = 75%)
vii. Two signs on body  for identification       ………………………… viii Games in which participating                    ………………………… i Signature of the participant                      ………………………..


Signature of the Head of the

(with seal )

Note: Certificate from the Head Master and secretary in the Distt Under 12:-
4 Every School will pay Entry Fee of Rs. 20/- and Affiliation Fee of Rs. 50/- (Under 14:- Entry Fee of Rs. 40/- and affiliation fee of Rs. 100/-). Entry fee will be separate for boys
and girls but affiliation fee will be common for both categories. This will not be payable at distt./state level.
5.  Every school will have its own flag, the size of which should be 5' x 3'.
6.  Every school shall have its beautiful nameplate of the size of 1½ " x 1".
7 Every player/team will have its own uniform. Permission to play at Distt. or State Level without  uniform will not be granted.

In the light of irregularities found in the tournaments of elementary schools, the following decisions were taken unanimously in the meeting held on April 28, 2000.

1)         Only that contestant will be eligible can take part in the tournament whose age is less than 12 years, weight less than 30 KG and height less than 138 cm. If, he does not fulfill even one of these norms, he can be debarred from taking part in the tournament.
2)         The contestants from DIET and from elementary schools can participate in one major and two minor games.
3)         Track and Field events' One contestant can participate in cross country and two tracks and two field events simultaneously.
4)        If, in any competition, less than three teams take part, the competition will have
to be dropped.

8.4.8     Jury

1.    There  will  be  5  members  in  the  Jury  which  will  be  constituted  by  the President and Manager of the sports/tournaments association. It will be necessary to induct three members who are sports specialists possessing adequate knowledge of sports rules.
2 Protest can only be lodged by the Team Manager.
3 It will be appropriate to lodge protest within 20 minutes after the match is over;
the protest lodged after it will not be valid.
4 All matters relating to protest will be disposed of by the Jury.
5 All protest will be addressed to President/Secretary of the Jury.

8.4.9.  Conduct and control of matches

1.  Matches will be conducted and controlled by the secretary /manager of the tournament    organizing    committee. . All    the    PET/teachers    o the Center/Block/Zone/Distt.  will  bring  thplayerithplaygrounafter seeing the fixture of the tournament.

2.  There will be general control of the organizing Secretary of the tournament on
the sports ground so as to ensure proper guidance and avoid any untoward incident.

3.   All the matches will be played on knockout/League System.

8.4.10       Utilization of Funds
All the funds shall be administrated solely by the Head of the school in consultation with representatives of the staff and the students. The Head of the Institution shall have full powers in regard to their utilization for the welfare of  the  students.  All  the  funds  of  the  classes  from  6TH   to  8TH   are  to  be maintained together.

Sports Fund:
It will be utilized for sports/tournaments related activities viz.:
1)     Purchase of sports materials pertaining to various games.
2)     Payment of affiliation fee as demanded by distt. tournament committee at the scales fixed by the committee.
3)     Maintenance  of  playground  upto  Rs.  7500/-  per  annum  and  rent  of playground, if any.
4)     Traveling  allowance  to  teams  for  playing  matches  and  other  sports contests.
5)     Payment of protest fee, or subscription to the Distt. or State Tournament
Committee and entry fees for  any other tournament.
6)     Expenses in connection with referring of matches.
7)     Purchase of uniform for all the players for participation in matches.
8)     Photographs of teams (winning teams only) at the discretion of the Head of the Institution.
9)     Expenditure on medical assistance to members of the sports teams when out of station.
10)   Refreshment  to  the  players  @  Rs.  5/-  per  player,  during  practiced matches for the preparation of tournaments and during tournaments. The daily  allowance  received  by  the  participants  as  per  provision  under article 4.6.l (xv) will be deposited in common mess by the participants for incurring expenditure on breakfast, lunch, dinner.
11)   Expenses in connection with participation in adventurous sports.
12)    60% of the sports fund received in a year will be kept in a school for school's    utilization whereas 20% each will be deposited with distt. and state association for sports/tournament related activities at     distt./state level.
13)   Expenses in connection with holding sports/tournament function.
14)    Expenses incurred to escort students to play matches. One teacher for every 20   students should accompany the students on such occasions. For every slab thereafter the head can depute one      additional member of staff.

15)   The students may be given Rs. 40/- per day mess during the tournament.
The student may given Rs. 60/- per day during journey period within state. The students may be given Rs. 80/- during the journey period out of state or as per rules approved from time to time which is higher. The teacher and other employees are entitled to TA & DA at Govt rates out of Govt. funds.
16)   Purchase of boxes, almirahs/racks and locks filtering sports material.

1)         refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way, activities which tend to promote feelings of hatred or enmity among different communities, religious or linguistic groups but actively work for national integration.
Note:    Regarding bringing of tailoring/knitting/embroidery material, use of help books, the Government has imposed a complete ban on the following activities in the offices/ institutions vide letter no. Shiksha-IIGA(10) 1/94 dated 8-11-94.


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