Pre-primary education sector in Himachal Pradesh had been initiated by the
state govt. through appointment of Bal Sevikas. After the country became
independent in 1947, a concern for the 'less privileged' sections of the
society became apparent and 'balwadis' were set up in rural areas. Central
Social Welfare Board was set up in 1953 for providing grants-in-aid to NGOs.
Thereafter, in the 1960s, the impact of new knowledge about possible effects of
nutritional deprivation on the development of the child or his health became
visible in the form of emergence of Supplementary Nutrition Programme and Mid-day
Meal Programme etc. Around mid 70s, the launching of 'Integrated Child
Development Services' (ICDS) brought the focus on holistic development of the
Early Childhood Care and
Education, as an expression, found a mention in the Sixth Five Year Plan
(1980-85) when for the first time a shift in approach from welfare to
development became apparent. Pursuant to the formulation of the National Policy
on Children in 1974, a perspective of integrated care and education led to the
forming of a centrally sponsored ICDS, being implemented in the country since
Some of the important
current government programmes/ schemes in India include: Early Childhood
Education Scheme; Creches and Day Care Centres Scheme; and ECCE under District
Primary Education Programme.
Early Childhood Education Scheme was launched during
the Sixth Five-Year Plan. This scheme seeks to reduce the drop-out rate and
improve the retention of children in primary schools. Another scheme, called
Creches and Day Care Centres Scheme, started in 1975, provides day care
services mainly to under five children of migrant, agricultural and
construction labourers. ECCE started in 1984 is organized under the
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) with the aim to augment the
existing provisions under ICDS and set up new ECE centres in areas not covered
by ICDS. The programme also seeks to improve ECE-primary school linkage. These
cratches were introduced in Himachal Pradesh as it was not covered by ICDS
Scheme at that time. All Bal Sevikas and Bal Sahayikas were appointed under
this scheme as a substitute of ICDS workers.
(Grant-in-aid to Voluntary
Organizations in the field of Child Welfare)
(State Sponsored Schemes)
Kindergarten (Balwari)
To develop the mental ability, health& Pre-primary informal education and of children .
Eligibility of children for the said scheme: Children of the age 3-6 years.
Aid: The State Social Advisory Board , Himachal Pradesh Shimla is providing 100% aid to run the and 83 kindergarten and industry centers as well as Himachal Pradesh Child Welfare Council, Shimla to run the 47 Kindergarten(Balwari) Centres.
To develop the mental ability, health& Pre-primary informal education and of children .
Eligibility of children for the said scheme: Children of the age 3-6 years.
Aid: The State Social Advisory Board , Himachal Pradesh Shimla is providing 100% aid to run the and 83 kindergarten and industry centers as well as Himachal Pradesh Child Welfare Council, Shimla to run the 47 Kindergarten(Balwari) Centres.
Integrated Child
Development Services Programme
The program began October 2, 1975, and use of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday celebrated throughout India as the chosen program was launched in 33 blocks. Pooh in Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh block was the first area who began the program. Currently all of the state in blocks 75 and 18248 Aangnbadi, Shimla town centers through the program is being implemented successfully. 75 Child Development Projects under this program and a voluntary organization in the public sector (the state Gagret block) is being run through.
Program Objectives:
• For children aged up to six years to improve nutrition and health.
• children's mental, physical, social and intellectual development lay the foundation.
• reduction of child mortality and malnutrition in children.
• reduction in the rate of children leaving school.
• health and nutritional status of pregnant and lactating mothers to improve.
In Anganwadi Services
• Complementary Nutrition diet
• non-formal pre-school education
• Vaccination
• Health check
• Nutrition diet and Health Education
• References Services
1. The program complements Nutrition diet
Pregnant and lactating mothers and children under the age of 6 years are provided Nutrition diet Anganwadi supplement.
• Nutrition diet rates
The government is providing 1:12:05 Nutrition diet the increased
rates. The low rates as under: -
(Rates per woman / child per day)
(Rates per woman / child per day)
Diet money
Pregnant Women
Rs. 2.70
Rs. 0.25
Rs. 0.15
Rs. 3.10
lactating mothers
Rs. 2.70
Rs. 0.25
Rs. 0.15
Rs. 3.10
Teenage girls
Rs. 2.70
Rs. 0.25
Rs. 0.15
Rs. 3.10
Rs. 1.60
Rs. 0.25
Rs. 0.15
Rs. 2.00
• Selection of the Nutrition diet
At the state level for the selection and purchase of nutrition diet, Director, Social Justice and Empowerment is headed by a selection committee. Managing Director, State Civil Supplies Corporation, Director of Health, Director, Food And Civil Supplies, Purchasing Committee are also its members. Nutrition diet is chosen after each quarter of year by the selection committee . To ensure the quality of food ingredients District Program Officer (at the district level) ICDS and Regional Manager, State Civil Supplies Corporation is involved for the joint inspection of the food ingredients .
2. Non-formal pre-school education
• non-formal pre-school education to children from 3 to 6 years of age is provided.
• The purpose of this service, children's physical, mental, social and intellectual development is.
• non-formal pre-school education to children games - games and toys, etc., are given in the charts.
• The education of the child is mentally ready for school.
The Bal Sevikass are serving under the
Child Welfare Council, Shimla (HP) for past two and half decades, when the ICDS
scheme was not widely spread in Himachal Pradesh. The Bal Sevikass had joined
the department in the manner that they will get proper honorarium and promotion
for the said post.
The grant in aid system introduced for the welfare of the Bal Sevikas
has not been satisfactory. At the early phase of the service, they were made
Nursery Trained Teacher/ JBT in the
Department of Primary Education, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh under the following
notification issued by Governor of Himachal Pradesh as below:-
Government of Himachal Pradesh
"Education Department"
Cha. (7)-2/79-Shiksha (Ka) Dated
25"1 April, 1981
Office Order
The Governor, Himachal
Pradesh, is pleased to order that "One year Balsevika Traning Course"
introduced by the Indian Council of Child Welfare, al Kamla Nagar
(Bhatt-Kuffar) of Shimla district Himachal Pradesh be recognized for employment
as Nursery Teacher in the Department of
Education in Himachal Pradesh.
The Governor, Himachal
Pradesh, is further pleased to order that J.B.T. certificate awarded by the
Punjab & Haryana education department to candidates, who had earlier
qualified one year nursery teacher training course & underwent second year
J.B.T. integrated course, be considered equivalent to two year J.B.T. course of
Himachal Pradesh Government for the purpose of employment in the state of
Himachal Pradesh.
These orders shall come
into force with immediate effect.
Order Sd/-
pal) Secretary(Education)to the
of Himachal Pradesh
Cha. (7)-2/79-Shiksha (Ka) Dated 25lh
April. 1981
Copy forwarded
for information and necessary action to
the Secretaries/Joint Secretaries/Deputy Secretaries. Under Secretaries
the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Heads of departments in Himachal Pradesh
This order
caused the promotion of approximately 48 Bal sevikas on the post of Primary/Nursery
Teacher in Himachal Pradesh till 1988. The policy was well appreciated and Bal
sevikas serving at very low honorarium of Rs. 200-400 continued their service
without trying to adopt any other job due the hope that they will also get job
of Primary teacher after doing NTT course as per the details mentioned above
,but they did not get such opportunity.
They were exploited on
the very low honorarium for 15 years and then a new notification came into
effect as below:-
'No. EDN-C-B (2) 4/96- Dated
Shimla-2, the 12 August. 1997
Governor. Himachal Pradesh is pleased to frame "Himachal Pradesh Nursery Trained
Teachers Scheme, 1997" for those who has qualified One year condensed
course of Nursery Teachers up to and including the year 1984-85 from Manva
Bharti Mussooree, Dehradun (Uttar Pradesh) for appointment against vacant posts
of J.B.Ts. as per Annexure-'A'.
2. This Scheme would be applicable from the
daie of issue of this Notification. Jai Hind
By Order
Commr-cum-Secretary (Edu)
to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
No. EDN-C-B (2) 4/96- Dated
Shimla-2. the 12 August, 1997
forwarded to the following for information:-
Secretary to the Governor. Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-2
Principal Secretary to Chief Ministcr,H.P.Shin,la-2
Private Secretary to Chief Minister.H.P.Shimlu-2
Private Secretary to Education Minister,H.P.Shimla-2
Private Secretary to State Minister (Primary Education).! I.P.Shimla-2
Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh, ShimU-3
Secretary (Finance) to the Governor, Himachal. Pradesh. Shimla-2
Secretary (Law) to the Governor, Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-2
Secretary (Personnel) to the Governor, Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-
Secretary (GAD) to the Governor. Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-2
Director of Education. H.P. Shimla-I
Director of Primary Education, H.P. Shimla-i
Controller. Printing & Sty, HP Shimla-5 for publication in the Rajpatra
the District Primary Education Officers in HP
Section Officers, Edu-"A" & Edu-'B' sections-. HP Secretariat.
Secretary(Edu)to the Govt, of Himachal Pradesh
These "Himachal
Pradesh Nursery Trained Teachers Scheme, 1997" did not provide any respect
to the previous notification mentioned above and Bal Sevikas were not promoted
as NTT in the department of Primary Education, however, the earlier
notification was not cancelled by the Department of Education at that time. The
deliberative ignorance was done toward the Bal Sevikas in this policy and
instead of promoting them on the post of NTT, the fresh recruitment was done
and Bal Sevikas did not get the opportunity and any promotion by virtue of the
seniority and earlier policy.
When Govt.
did not heed towards them, they tried to have its attention by making various
representations to the Department and Govt., but it also proved
unsuccessfull. Many pay commissions came and
gone in last 28 years but the honorarium of these Bal Sevikas have reached from
Rs. 200 to 1400 and Balwari (Shishu Kendra) Helpers are working on Rs. 600 per
month which is an injustice towards them. The dignity of work is must for every
govt. while ICDS employees are getting more than double honorarium for the same
nature of work.
Now, as they are working on the honorarium of mere Rs. 1400 per month,
their honorarium after 28 years is almost equal to the freshly appointed Part
Time Water Carriers in Govt. Primary Schools of H.P. After such a long duration
of service, this inadequate honorarium is injustice towards these Bal Sevikas.
The Bal Sevikass have not been promoted
Supervisor directly in ICDS department as the nature of work is same in
Anganwari and Balwari Kendras. If Govt. has not given them any extra duty
itself, how it can claim that they are inferior to the post scheme appointee
Anganwari workers.The Bal Sewika Scheme under HP Child Welfare Council was
initiated in 1975 and the ICDS based
Anganwari Scheme was launched at large scale in year 2000. So Bal Sewikas are
the most senior employees in Pre-Primary/ECCE education in H.P. having working
experience more than Anganwri workers. Still the honorarium of ICDS based
Anganwari workers is approx.3000+other honorariums in respect of various
surveys. The working time of ICDS based Anganwari workers in 10:00 am to 3:00
pm but the same working schedule for Bal Sewikas is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Even
then, the honorarium of Bal Sewikas is very little instead of seniority and
more working hours. Why they have not been given a respected salary instead of
same nature of work, same Department and same state ? In our state, 8 years to
12 years of service holder all type of daily wagers, contract employees and
temporary/adhoc employees have also got regularization or became whole time
employee but Bal Sewikas have been the only exception in last 28 years.
the light of above facts, why they are not promoted as Supervisor in ICDS
department but like past, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has issued a new notification which has stopped
the path of promotion of Bal Sevikas to the post of ICDS Supervisor on the
basis of seniority by enhancing the 70% direct promotion quota to 90% direct quota for the Anganwadi Workers on
the basis of seniority to be prmoted as ICDS Supervisor. The advertisement of
the recruitment of 808 post of ICDS supervisors in HP was issued ealrlier which
also was not in favor of the Bal Sevikass. The age limit fixation, written test and
interview may not be applied in case of Bal Sevikas and they should be promoted by virtue of the
seniority for the post of ICDS Supervisor. It must be understood that they have been deprived from the posts of JBT
teachers , kept on lowest possible honorarium and given no more benefit instead
of spending almost 20-30 years in the field of Pre-Primary/ECC Education.By
virtue of seniority and lack of other benefits, they must be given this promotion
without having any age bar for promotion as many Bal Sevikas will retire within
three years. At the end time of service, if they get the benefit of promotion,
they will get only satisfaction for the services done by them in last 28 years. The most
objectionable latest notification is as below:-
(Authoritative English Text of
this department notification No WLF-B(2)4/79-IV, dated 18-9-2012 as required
under clause (3) of Article 348 of the constitution of India.)
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Social Justice & Empowerment.
WLF-B(2)4/79-IV, dated, Shimla-2 the 18m September,2012
In exercise of the powers
conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor,
Himachal Pradesh, in consultation with the H.P Public service commission is
pleased to make the following Rules further to amend the Himachal Pradesh,
Social Justice & Empowerment Department, Supervisor Classing Non Gazetted), Recruitment and
Promotion, Rules, 2011 notified vide this Department Notification of even
number dated 22-2-2011 namely:-
Short title and Commencement;
l.(l)These rules may be called the Himachal
Pradesh, Social Justice & Empowerment Department,
Supervisor, Class-III-(Non-Gazetted) Recruitment and Promotion (first
amendment) Rules, 2012(2) These rules shall come into force from the date of
publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh.
Amendment of Annexure-A: 2. In Annexure "A" to the
Himachal Pradesh Social
Justice & Empowerment Department, Supervisor
,Class-III (Non Gazetted) Recruitment and Promotion, Rules, 2011,
(a) for the existing provisions against Col.No. 10,
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
(i) 10% by direct recruitment on
regular basis or
by direct recruitment on contract basis as the case
may be. The contract employee will get
emoluments as given in Cilo.No.15-A and will be
governed by service conditions as specified in the
said column.
by direct recruitment on contract basis as the case
may be. The contract employee will get
emoluments as given in Cilo.No.15-A and will be
governed by service conditions as specified in the
said column.
(ii) 40 % by limited direct recruitment on regular
basis or by direct recruitment on contract basis,
from amongst the Anganwari Workers/ Balwari
Workers/Balwari Teachers/Balsevikas/ Principal/
Lady Social Instructor of Anganwari Training
Centre/Middle Level Centers from recognized
Board of School Education/Institution with ten
years experience.
basis or by direct recruitment on contract basis,
from amongst the Anganwari Workers/ Balwari
Workers/Balwari Teachers/Balsevikas/ Principal/
Lady Social Instructor of Anganwari Training
Centre/Middle Level Centers from recognized
Board of School Education/Institution with ten
years experience.
(iii) 50% by induction from Anganwari Workers, and
(b) for the existing provisions against Col.No.
11, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
(i) 40 % from the Anganwari Workers who have
passed Matriculation Examination from a
recognized Board of School
Education / Institution with more than
passed Matriculation Examination from a
recognized Board of School
Education / Institution with more than
20 years experience as
Anganwari Workers on the basis of their seniority without conducting any
competition / written examination and interview.
(ii) 10% from Anganwari
Workers who have passed Graduation from a recognized University with more than
15 years experience as Anganwari Workers on the basis of their seniority
without conducting any competition/ written examination and interview failing
which by induction as provided at (i) above.
By order
Pr. Secretary(SJ&E)to the Govt, of Himachal
Endst. No. WLF-B(2)4/79-IV,
dated, Shimla-2 the 18th September,2012
Copy is forwarded to:-.
All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt, of
Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2
The Controller, Printing & Stationery Deptt.,
H.P., Shimla-5 for publication in the
Govt. Gazette.
3. The
Director, Social Justice & Empowerment, H.P., Shimla-9 . She is requested
procure five copies of the
Rajpatra from Printing and Stationery Department.
The Sr. Law Officer, Law Deptt.(Hindi)H.P. Secretariat
Guard file/ 50 spare copies.
UndefSecretary(SJ&E)to the
Govt, of
Himachal Pradesh.
The new
notification do not include any specific or even simple quota to the Bal
Sevikas which has created a question markin this matter. The Bal Sevikass have
this grievance and they want this notification to be cancelled and stayed till further policy decision about the Bal
Sevikas in the state .
By increasing the
promotion quota of the Anganwari workers from 70% to 90% for the post of ICDS,
the right of promotion of Bal Sevikas has affected severely. They will not get
even a single for post for Bal Sevikas to be promotion by virtue of seniority
and their past long service which is more than most of the Anganwadi workers
will be of no use of them. They must be considered equal to the Anganwadi
workers and the seniority wise promotion list must be prepared jointly in which
, Bal Sevikas must be included according to the seniority. The nature of work
of the Anganwadi workers and Bal Sevikas has been same in past and if any
difference has arisen, it is due to the Govt. policy and Bal Sevikas has not
denied any duty on their own behalf. If there cannot be any written test for
the promotion of senior Anganwadi workers, why the opposite scheme should be
applied over the Bal Sevikas serving in the state. There must be complete
relaxation in the age and qualification for them. The Govt. did not even took
notice of the already running cases in this matter at H.P. High Court under the
2011 ,NEK RAM Vs. STATE Pet's
Adv. : RAJESH KUMAR,UMESH KUMAR Res's Adv. : AG who are yet to be decided in this regard and
new notification was released by neglecting and not waiting for the decision of
the case. This is very unfortunate and the stay is needed immediately against
the latest notification.
The Child
welfare Council is Headed by Chief Minister, Governor as Secretary and also
many other higher govt. officials of the Department which is enough to indicate
that it is not any Non Govt. Organization, but the employees serving under
Social Justice and Empowerment Department. There has not been any honorarium
mentioned by the Department for the post of Bal Sevika and Bal Sahaiykas in its
official website which shows that they are not
even in the employee list if the Department which is grievance of Bal Sevikass
after rendering three decades of continue service under the same department ,
however, Anganwadi workers name and honorarium has been included . The senior
Pre-Primary Educators i.e. Bal Sevikas have not been considered for public
disclosure inder RTI by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment , HP
on its official website. Hence, no attention has been paid towards the good of
the Bal Sevikass in the lastest notification which has no more scope for the Bal
Sevikass to get the post of ICDS Supervisor as they are unable to compete with
graduates serving as Anganwadi workers and many other categories of employees
of ICDS Department. This will end the future of the Bal Sevikass and they will
get retired after a long economic and social exploitation without any fault on
their part. Since year 2000, they have not been merged with Anganwadi system
and it has also seized from them, this opportunity for becoming ICDS
representation was made earlier in this regard by Vijay Kumar Heer, State
President of Himachal Shikshak Kranti Manch to The Office of Prime Minister,
Govt. of India in this context, but the state govt. did not pay heed over the
directions issued by Sh. Jatinder Kaur, Secreaty, Govt. of India, in which promotion,
according to seniority, of Bal Sevikas to the post of Supervisor under ICDS
Programme in the State of Himachal Pradesh. The issues raised in the above
representation was to be investigated in the light of extant
rules/regulations/guidelines of ICDS Scheme and the Bal Sevikas(Sh.
Vijay Kumar Heer) was to be informed of the same. But no reply was given on the
same to him.The new notification issued has been just opposite to the interest
of Bal Sevikas and hence, they have grievance over the whole issue. The
correspondence done by him via email with office of the Chief Minsiter , Govt.
of H.P. has also been very positive , but the outcome of the matter is
negative. The direction letter issued by Govt. of India is as below:
Government of India Ministry of Women & Child Development
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated:8th June, 2012
Dated:8th June, 2012
The Principal Secretary,
Deptt. of Social Justice & Empowerment,
Govt, of Himachal Pradesh,
H.P. Secretariat,
SHIMLA-171 002
Subject: Forwarding
of representations/applications/complaints/requests to the State Governments -
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of an e-mailed
representation received from Shri Vijay Kumar, State President, Himachal
Shikshak Kranti Manch, V&PO Chakmoh, Tehsil Badsar, District Hamirpur
(Himachal Pradesh) Pin: 176039 requesting for promotion, according to
seniority, of Bal Sevikas to the post of Supervisor under ICDS Programme in the
State of Himachal Pradesh.
The issues raised in the above
representation may kindly be investigated in the light of extant
rules/regulations/guidelines of ICDS Scheme and the Bal Sevikas may be informed
of the same. A copy of the reply may also be sent to this Ministry for
Secretary to the Govt, of India
Copy for information to: Shri Vijay Kumar, State President,
Shikshak Kranti Manch, V&PO Chakmoh, Tehsil Badsar, District Hamirpur
(Himachal Pradesh) Pin: 176039
Shikshak Kranti Manch, V&PO Chakmoh, Tehsil Badsar, District Hamirpur
(Himachal Pradesh) Pin: 176039
All employees are given insurance benefits by the state/centre govt.
MNREGA workers are also insured but Bal Sewikas are not insured.Anganwari workers
and many other workers have been given at least one single life or health insurance but Bal Sewikas have got none.
Health/Life insurance may be given to the Bal Sevikass. Some Bal Sevikas died
during service, but their families got no relief amount, no pension, no
compensation etc.It is also worthy to mention that the nutrition money
sanctioned for the children in Shishu Kendras is less than that of ICDS scheme.
They must be made equal as the pre-primary children have same level of needs.
The nutrition must reach to them per month instead of after many months as the
existing pattern says. They are also not given salary in Bank Accounts via
online process every month. The Bal Sewikas have not been
given any infrastructures to keep the records, make children sitting in
classroom etc. They basic infrastructure is must. There are no chairs, no
almirahs, no desks/tat patti etc. for students in many Shishu Kendras (Balwadis/Kindergartens).
The Bal Sewikas are asked to collect fees of Rs. 20 to 60 from parents of kids reading in Balwadi for
Pre-Primary Education. It is a really illogical as the honorarium of Bal
Sevikas is given on 100% grant-in-aid, then why the Govt. based agency needs
the fee from the poor children, even BPL and IRDP Children are not spared. When
Primary and Pre-Primary Education are free universally as per UNESCO and UNICEF
guidelines, why such injustice is done? If it is done, I shall move the matter
to UNESCO and UNICEF alongwith concerned Department of Govt. of India because
it is not in accordance with RTE 2009 and many international laws made for Pre-Primary education.
Early Childhood Care and Education
Children are missing out on critical
early learning opportunities
devoted to early childhood care and education (ECCE) support the role of
parents and communities at a critical time in a child’s development. However,
according to the latest UIS data, ECCE remains one of the most neglected areas
of education.
from crèches
for the very young to pre-schools, ECCE programmes can help ensure a child’s
well-being. In addition to the interaction and play that children need for
cognitive development, these programmes can provide basic health care and
nutrition, cushion children from social disruption and protect their rights.
also prepares children for primary school, contributing to higher enrolment and
completion rates. For these reasons, governments concerned with universal
primary education and other Education
for All commitments have set targets for
ECCE. And yet, disparities in access to programmes persist, leaving behind the
most disadvantaged children. In some countries, the gap between government
targets and social realities is significant.
many years of pre-primary education are available in a country? How many years
do children actually get? The UIS has created an interactive graphic
illustrating the impact that barriers like poverty and limited availability of
programmes can have on access to early childhood care and education.
on the chart below to view the difference between the number of years of pre-primary
education offered in a country (reflected by the intended duration
indicator) and the amount of time children actually spend in such programmes
(reflected by the school life expectancy indicator).
Hence, it is clear that the fee collection from students during the
pre-primary level is not in the interest of poor and disadvantageous section
related children who may get deprived of
their right of education due to such orders given to Bal Sevikas.
Pre-primarl y Teachers’ Salaries and Private Provision
from Kenya demonstrates how fees and private provision can ultimately affect
pre-primary teachers’ salaries. Since the introduction of free primary
education, most parents are no longer interested in paying for pre-primary
education. Therefore decreased enrolments have had to mean reduced
salaries for pre-primary teachers as pre-primary teachers’ salaries are most
often covered by parental fees, unlike primary teachers who are presumably paid
according to legal statutes and salary scales. As a result, free primary
education has effectively made it even more difficult to mobilise resources
from parents for pre-primary education. In fact, several cases of decreased job
security and Pre-primary centre closures are on the rise, particularly in
poorer communities (UNESCO, 2006).
Recent policy directions encouraging a greater role for the
private sector to meet the demands for pre-primary education in Morocco may
also eventually affect pre-primary teachers’ salaries. As in Kenya, pre-primary
teachers’ salaries in Morocco vary according to what the private institutions
can pay. As the current pre-primary services rapidly expand, teachers will
inevitably move to better-paying schools as opportunities arise. While this
may result in higher salaries for those working in wealthier regions and
communities, this could also be a significant problem in that low-price
services catering for disadvantaged children may have difficulty recruiting
good, qualified teachers (UNESCO, 2004).
Source: United Nations
Documents present on the above URL of UNESCO
The concern of the report is also with
India and the low wages/ honorarium to the workers like Bal Sevikas in Himachal
Pradesh can affect the standard of the pre-primary education/ECCE. The long
service of Bal Sevikas on the lowest possible honorarium is a curse to them in
the era of price hiking. The daily wagers are getting Rs. 150 per day for the
work , but Bal Sevikas are getting only Rs. 47 per day as honorarium for the
full day duty. Such disparity shows that the economic and social status of Bal
Sevikas and Sahayikas is less than that of a daily wage worker in the state and
the total honorarium per year is like that of a MNREGA worker. The dignity of
labour, more than 20-30 years of service has brought nothing in salary outcome
to the Bal Sevikass . Even their existence has also not been given recognition
on the official website of the Department of Social Justice and Welfare, Govt.
of Himachal Pradesh. The Bal Sevikass want to get the recognition of the
service done in the past and they must get equal status in all respects to the
Angawadi workers from the date of joining the department.
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