Implement the Punjab Pay Scale recommendations on Punjab Pattern in HP- Plea to CM by Vijay Kumar Heer
Honorable Chief Minister,
Govt. of H.P.,Shimla.
Subject: To implement the Punjab Pay Scale based recommendations on Punjab Pattern in HP
Honorable sir,
With regards, I want to state that most of the employees in Himachal Pradesh are agitating or demanding for the implementation of the Punjab pattern in implementation of the various recommendations of 5th pay commission which had been implemented by Punjab Govt. and state govt. has yet not implemented them. Particularly, there has been a lot of discrimination with JBTs of H.P. as they are serving in the pay scale 5910-20200 instead of actually recommended and last year modified by Punjab Govt. to 10300-34800. The primary teachers have suffered huge due to the wrong implementation of the report of the Punjab pay commission report. I had brought it your notice even on the day when the mistake was done in the notification issued by state govt. regarding implementation of revised pay scales.
Revised Pay Scale in 1996 Revised Pay Scale in 2006 Multiple of revision
JBT/HT Rs. 4550-7220 Rs. 5910 – 20200 1.29
C &V Rs. 5000-8100 Rs. 10300-34800 2.06
TGT Rs. 5480-8925 Rs. 10300-34800 1.87
Lecturer Rs. 6400-10640 Rs. 10300-34800 1.60
Please refer to the notification no. 5/10/09-5FP1/665 Dated: 05-10-2011 issued by Shri Jasbir Kumar, Under Secretary Finance , Govt. of Punjab as below:-
Dated, Chandigarh, the 6 October, 2011
1 The Director,Public lastruetinns (Secondary), Punjab, Chandigarh.
2, The Director,Public Instructions (Elementary), Punjab, Chandigarh.
Subject: Implementation of the recommendation of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission— Revision of Pay Scales of teaching personnel.
I am directed to invite a reference to Punjab Government notification No. 5/10109-5FP1/207, dated 27.5.2009 and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the scales of pay of the fat/owing categories of teaching personnel of the Department of Education, shall stand further revised as under with effect from the 1st October, 2011:-
Name of Post Pre-Revised
Scale Revised Pay Scale by HP w.e.f. 01-01-2006 Revised Pay Scale by Punjab
w.e.f. 01-10-2011
Pay Band Grade
Pay Initial
Pay Revised Pay
Band Revised Grade
Pay Revised Initial
JBT/ETT/Head Teacher
4550-7220 5910-20200 3000 11470 10300-34800 4200 16290
Classic & Vernacular
Teachers 5000-8100 10300-34800 3200 13500 10300-34800 4400 17420
/Mistress 5480-8925 10300-34800 3600 14430 10300-34800 4600 18030
Vocational Masters 6400-10640 10300-34800 4200 16290 10300-34800 5000 18450
Headmaster, High School
7000-10980 10300-34800 4400 17420 10300-34800 5400 20300
2. The pay in the above mentioned revised scales effective from the 1st October, 2011, shall be fixed prospectively sad there shall be no element,/ whatsoever, of retrospectivity in this regard and there will be no question of payment of arrears or of fixation of pay an notional basis from any previous date.
3. The necessary amendments in the rules will he made in due course.
Maximum loss of pay band has occurred only to the Primary Teachers serving on H.P. All had some hope that the JBTs will get relief in JCC meeting but it did not happen. It is very disgusting and may tarnish the image of the state govt. in the eyes of the Primary Teachers. The worst possible effect of not revising the pay band of JBT on Punjab Pattern will be that the Pay Commission in 2016 will revise their pay from 5910-20200 instead of the 10300-34800 pay band which will take them in extreme economic loss for whole life. No other category of teachers have suffered with the error in Pay band however , grade pay is the issue of many categories which has been mentioned above. The correction done by Punjab Govt. has shown its impact as the Govt. of Punjab has won the election again. If the state govt. thinks that it will not give the justice to 26000 JBTs and will get the same result, I doubt on it as injustice will be done with 26000 families which costs much more than the financial burden applicable.
Chawark sanhita says: yaawam jeewet, sukham jeewet, Rinm kritwa ghritam peebet mean live happily even if you take loan to enjoy the luxury of life. If state govt. takes loan or make any other alternative policy for the gift , the rewards will come as fruit. It’s the policy matter of the state govt. And I can only appeal for the good of employees.
The financial crisis of the state govt. is also my concern as it cannot be ignored but the notification may be done earlier and implementation may be done after a few months, but announcement must be done by 15th August, 2012 as code of conduct is hovering over the hopes of 26000 employees waiting for the justice for last six years.
It is the real cry of these teachers of my JBT community and when a community is denied justice, the revolt occurs and it is not a good time for the state govt. to face such revolts and wrath of Primary Teachers as they are local and basic teachers in may area.
(b) Secondly, no increment has been given to the Highly qualified teachers serving in the state education department having M.Ed/M.Phil./Ph.D. qualification as recommended by the Punjab Pay Commission.
(c) The children education allowance to the employees has also not been given, however, it is must in light of RTE bill 2009.
(d) Punjab has also given mobile allowance to the employees but the state govt. has not implemented the same.
(f) LTC and enhancement in leave encashment benefits has also not been implemented by the state govt.
(g) Punjab Government has revised the pay scales of Clerks, Jr. Assistants, Steno-Typists and Jr. Scale Stenographers w.e.f 1st October 2011. The Clerks who were earlier in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 1900 and initial pay of 7810 w.e.f 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay band of 5910-20200 + GP 2400 with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f 1-10-2011.
Similarly, Jr. Assistants who were in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 2800 and initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay scale of 10300-34800 with grade pay of 3200 with initial pay of 13500. The spokesman clarified that the post of clerks in the cadre shall continue to be bifurcated into the posts of Clerks and Jr. Assistants in the ratio of 50:50 and the post of Jr. Assistant would continue to be filled up by placement to the extent of 100% out of clerks who have an experience of working for minimum 5 years in the cadre.
The non-implementation of this benefit to non-teaching staff has also caused huge embarrassment and its also an issue of great concern for the state govt.
The Punjab Government announced bonanza for majority of employees 0n 03-10-2011, substantially enhancing their pay scales, allowing encashment of Earned Leave along with LTC, providing Mobile Allowance for every category of employees besides enhancing special allowance for certain categories of employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat.
The Punjab Government has revised the pay scales of Clerks, Jr. Assistants, Steno-Typists and Jr. Scale Stenographers w.e.f 1st October 2011. The Clerks who were earlier in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 1900 and initial pay of 7810 w.e.f 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay band of 5910-20200 + GP 2400 with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f 1-10-2011.
Similarly, Jr. Assistants who were in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 2800 and initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay scale of 10300-34800 with grade pay of 3200 with initial pay of 13500. The spokesman clarified that the post of clerks in the cadre shall continue to be bifurcated into the posts of Clerks and Jr. Assistants in the ratio of 50:50 and the post of Jr. Assistant would continue to be filled up by placement to the extent of 100% out of clerks who have an experience of working for minimum 5 years in the cadre.
The scales of Steno-Typist that was 5910-20200 with GP 2000 and initial pay of 8240 w.e.f 1-1-2006 has been revised to 5910-20200 + 2400 GP with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f. 1-10-2011. The pay scale of Jr. Scale stenographers that was 5910-20200 + 2800 GP with initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 has been revised to 10300-34800 + 3200 GP with initial pay of 13500.
Accepting the recommendations of 5th Punjab Pay Commission the Punjab Government has allowed Mobile Allowance to every category of employee. Group A employee would be allowed Rs. 500 , Group B Rs. 300 , Group C Rs. 150 and Group D Rs. 100 mobile allowance w.e.f 1-10-2011.
The Spokesman said that accepting another recommendation of 5th Punjab Pay Commission, the State Government has allowed employees to encash 10 days' earned leave at the time of availing Leave Travel Concession after Block of 4 years. He said that the encashment of earned leave would be limited to the extent of 60 days during the entire service carrier and this encashed leave would not be deducted from maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement. He said that encashment of earned leave would be admissible without any linkage to number and nature of leave availed for LTC. He said that where both Husband and wife were Government employees, encashment of leave would be admissible to both of them subject to maximum of 60 days for each spouse during entire service carrier. This was applicable for LTC availed after 1-10-2011.
Enhancing the special allowance of certain categories of employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat, the Superintendent would get now Rs. 1200 per mensem, Private Secretary Rs.1200, Personal Assistant Rs. 600, Sr.Assistant Rs. 480, Jr. Auditor / Auditor Rs. 480, Sr. Scale Stenographer Rs. 480, Jr. Assistant Rs. 300, Jr. Scale Stenographer Rs. 300, Steno Typist Rs. 240 and Clerk Rs. 240. This allowance would be enhanced w.e.f 1-06-2011.
Dated, Chandigarh, the 3rd October, 2011
All Heads of Departments,
Commissioners of Divisions,
Registrar, High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
District and Sessions Judges and
Deputy Commissioners in the State.
Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission —Grant of Mobile Phone Allowance.
I am directed to invite a reference to the subject cited above and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the employees of the State Government shall be entitled to a fixed Mobile Phone Allowance at the rates mentioned below:-
Sr.No. Category of Employees Rate per mensem (in Rupees)
1. Group-A 500
2. Group-B 300
3. Group-C 150
4. Group-D 100
The grant of Mobile Phone allowance shall be subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The employees will have to provide mobile numbers on which their superior or general
public can contact them for official work. These numbers can also be hosted on any
Government website.
(b) Those employees who are already entitled to Mobile Phone Facility may elect to retain the
same. In the case of such employees, the unutilized amount, if any, on their residential telephone will be allowed to be adjusted against their higher utilization of the mobile phone services.
(c) The payment shall be made alongwith the salary of the employees.
These orders shall be effective from the 1st October, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
(JASBIRKAUR) Under Secretary Finance
No. 1/16/2011-3FP2/ Q (7
Dated, Chandigarh, the 3rd October, 2011
All Heads of Departments,
Commissioners of Divisions,
Registrar, High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
District and Sessions Judges and
Deputy Commissioners in the State.
Subject:- Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay
Commission - Encashment of earned leave along with Leave Travel Concession.
I am directed to invite a reference to the subject cited above and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the State Government employees will be entitled to encash ten days' earned leave at the time of availing of Leave Travel Concession (L.T.C.) subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The encashment of earned leave shall be allowed only once during the relevant L.T.C.
Block of four years.
(b) The encashment of earned leave shall be limited to the extent of sixty days during the
entire service career.
(c) The earned leave encashed shall not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement.
(d) The encashment of earned leave shall be admissible without any linkage to the number of and the nature of leave availed for L.T.C. i e Where both husband and wife are Government employees, encashment of leave shall be admissible to both of them subject to a maximum of sixty days for each spouse during the
entire service career.
4. These orders shall be effective from the 1st October, 2011. The benefit under these orders shall be admissible only to those employees who proceed on L.T.C. journey on or after this date. The L.T.C. claims relating to the period prior to this date shall be regulated as per instructions applicable on the date of proceeding on journey.
Yours faithfully,
(JASBIR KAUR) Under Secretary Finance
Please heed towards all the suggestions and in particular , the Pay band revision for JBTs which is purely injustice. Failing to its implementation in the state, We will move to state high court within one month as its extreme of injustice with us now. I hope that the state govt. will announce it itself and not force us to agitate and move to court.
Thanking with regards,
Dated: 23-07-2012 Yours sincerely: Vijay Kumar Heer,State President
(Himachal Shikshak Kranti Manch, H.P.)
V.P.O. Chakmoh, Tehsil Barsar,Distt. Hamirpur (HP) 176039
Honorable Chief Minister,
Govt. of H.P.,Shimla.
Subject: To implement the Punjab Pay Scale based recommendations on Punjab Pattern in HP
Honorable sir,
With regards, I want to state that most of the employees in Himachal Pradesh are agitating or demanding for the implementation of the Punjab pattern in implementation of the various recommendations of 5th pay commission which had been implemented by Punjab Govt. and state govt. has yet not implemented them. Particularly, there has been a lot of discrimination with JBTs of H.P. as they are serving in the pay scale 5910-20200 instead of actually recommended and last year modified by Punjab Govt. to 10300-34800. The primary teachers have suffered huge due to the wrong implementation of the report of the Punjab pay commission report. I had brought it your notice even on the day when the mistake was done in the notification issued by state govt. regarding implementation of revised pay scales.
Revised Pay Scale in 1996 Revised Pay Scale in 2006 Multiple of revision
JBT/HT Rs. 4550-7220 Rs. 5910 – 20200 1.29
C &V Rs. 5000-8100 Rs. 10300-34800 2.06
TGT Rs. 5480-8925 Rs. 10300-34800 1.87
Lecturer Rs. 6400-10640 Rs. 10300-34800 1.60
Please refer to the notification no. 5/10/09-5FP1/665 Dated: 05-10-2011 issued by Shri Jasbir Kumar, Under Secretary Finance , Govt. of Punjab as below:-
Dated, Chandigarh, the 6 October, 2011
1 The Director,Public lastruetinns (Secondary), Punjab, Chandigarh.
2, The Director,Public Instructions (Elementary), Punjab, Chandigarh.
Subject: Implementation of the recommendation of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission— Revision of Pay Scales of teaching personnel.
I am directed to invite a reference to Punjab Government notification No. 5/10109-5FP1/207, dated 27.5.2009 and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the scales of pay of the fat/owing categories of teaching personnel of the Department of Education, shall stand further revised as under with effect from the 1st October, 2011:-
Name of Post Pre-Revised
Scale Revised Pay Scale by HP w.e.f. 01-01-2006 Revised Pay Scale by Punjab
w.e.f. 01-10-2011
Pay Band Grade
Pay Initial
Pay Revised Pay
Band Revised Grade
Pay Revised Initial
JBT/ETT/Head Teacher
4550-7220 5910-20200 3000 11470 10300-34800 4200 16290
Classic & Vernacular
Teachers 5000-8100 10300-34800 3200 13500 10300-34800 4400 17420
/Mistress 5480-8925 10300-34800 3600 14430 10300-34800 4600 18030
Vocational Masters 6400-10640 10300-34800 4200 16290 10300-34800 5000 18450
Headmaster, High School
7000-10980 10300-34800 4400 17420 10300-34800 5400 20300
2. The pay in the above mentioned revised scales effective from the 1st October, 2011, shall be fixed prospectively sad there shall be no element,/ whatsoever, of retrospectivity in this regard and there will be no question of payment of arrears or of fixation of pay an notional basis from any previous date.
3. The necessary amendments in the rules will he made in due course.
Maximum loss of pay band has occurred only to the Primary Teachers serving on H.P. All had some hope that the JBTs will get relief in JCC meeting but it did not happen. It is very disgusting and may tarnish the image of the state govt. in the eyes of the Primary Teachers. The worst possible effect of not revising the pay band of JBT on Punjab Pattern will be that the Pay Commission in 2016 will revise their pay from 5910-20200 instead of the 10300-34800 pay band which will take them in extreme economic loss for whole life. No other category of teachers have suffered with the error in Pay band however , grade pay is the issue of many categories which has been mentioned above. The correction done by Punjab Govt. has shown its impact as the Govt. of Punjab has won the election again. If the state govt. thinks that it will not give the justice to 26000 JBTs and will get the same result, I doubt on it as injustice will be done with 26000 families which costs much more than the financial burden applicable.
Chawark sanhita says: yaawam jeewet, sukham jeewet, Rinm kritwa ghritam peebet mean live happily even if you take loan to enjoy the luxury of life. If state govt. takes loan or make any other alternative policy for the gift , the rewards will come as fruit. It’s the policy matter of the state govt. And I can only appeal for the good of employees.
The financial crisis of the state govt. is also my concern as it cannot be ignored but the notification may be done earlier and implementation may be done after a few months, but announcement must be done by 15th August, 2012 as code of conduct is hovering over the hopes of 26000 employees waiting for the justice for last six years.
It is the real cry of these teachers of my JBT community and when a community is denied justice, the revolt occurs and it is not a good time for the state govt. to face such revolts and wrath of Primary Teachers as they are local and basic teachers in may area.
(b) Secondly, no increment has been given to the Highly qualified teachers serving in the state education department having M.Ed/M.Phil./Ph.D. qualification as recommended by the Punjab Pay Commission.
(c) The children education allowance to the employees has also not been given, however, it is must in light of RTE bill 2009.
(d) Punjab has also given mobile allowance to the employees but the state govt. has not implemented the same.
(f) LTC and enhancement in leave encashment benefits has also not been implemented by the state govt.
(g) Punjab Government has revised the pay scales of Clerks, Jr. Assistants, Steno-Typists and Jr. Scale Stenographers w.e.f 1st October 2011. The Clerks who were earlier in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 1900 and initial pay of 7810 w.e.f 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay band of 5910-20200 + GP 2400 with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f 1-10-2011.
Similarly, Jr. Assistants who were in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 2800 and initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay scale of 10300-34800 with grade pay of 3200 with initial pay of 13500. The spokesman clarified that the post of clerks in the cadre shall continue to be bifurcated into the posts of Clerks and Jr. Assistants in the ratio of 50:50 and the post of Jr. Assistant would continue to be filled up by placement to the extent of 100% out of clerks who have an experience of working for minimum 5 years in the cadre.
The non-implementation of this benefit to non-teaching staff has also caused huge embarrassment and its also an issue of great concern for the state govt.
The Punjab Government announced bonanza for majority of employees 0n 03-10-2011, substantially enhancing their pay scales, allowing encashment of Earned Leave along with LTC, providing Mobile Allowance for every category of employees besides enhancing special allowance for certain categories of employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat.
The Punjab Government has revised the pay scales of Clerks, Jr. Assistants, Steno-Typists and Jr. Scale Stenographers w.e.f 1st October 2011. The Clerks who were earlier in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 1900 and initial pay of 7810 w.e.f 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay band of 5910-20200 + GP 2400 with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f 1-10-2011.
Similarly, Jr. Assistants who were in the pay band of 5910-20200 with grade pay of 2800 and initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 have been put in the pay scale of 10300-34800 with grade pay of 3200 with initial pay of 13500. The spokesman clarified that the post of clerks in the cadre shall continue to be bifurcated into the posts of Clerks and Jr. Assistants in the ratio of 50:50 and the post of Jr. Assistant would continue to be filled up by placement to the extent of 100% out of clerks who have an experience of working for minimum 5 years in the cadre.
The scales of Steno-Typist that was 5910-20200 with GP 2000 and initial pay of 8240 w.e.f 1-1-2006 has been revised to 5910-20200 + 2400 GP with initial pay of 9880 w.e.f. 1-10-2011. The pay scale of Jr. Scale stenographers that was 5910-20200 + 2800 GP with initial pay of 11170 w.e.f. 1-1-2006 has been revised to 10300-34800 + 3200 GP with initial pay of 13500.
Accepting the recommendations of 5th Punjab Pay Commission the Punjab Government has allowed Mobile Allowance to every category of employee. Group A employee would be allowed Rs. 500 , Group B Rs. 300 , Group C Rs. 150 and Group D Rs. 100 mobile allowance w.e.f 1-10-2011.
The Spokesman said that accepting another recommendation of 5th Punjab Pay Commission, the State Government has allowed employees to encash 10 days' earned leave at the time of availing Leave Travel Concession after Block of 4 years. He said that the encashment of earned leave would be limited to the extent of 60 days during the entire service carrier and this encashed leave would not be deducted from maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement. He said that encashment of earned leave would be admissible without any linkage to number and nature of leave availed for LTC. He said that where both Husband and wife were Government employees, encashment of leave would be admissible to both of them subject to maximum of 60 days for each spouse during entire service carrier. This was applicable for LTC availed after 1-10-2011.
Enhancing the special allowance of certain categories of employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat, the Superintendent would get now Rs. 1200 per mensem, Private Secretary Rs.1200, Personal Assistant Rs. 600, Sr.Assistant Rs. 480, Jr. Auditor / Auditor Rs. 480, Sr. Scale Stenographer Rs. 480, Jr. Assistant Rs. 300, Jr. Scale Stenographer Rs. 300, Steno Typist Rs. 240 and Clerk Rs. 240. This allowance would be enhanced w.e.f 1-06-2011.
Dated, Chandigarh, the 3rd October, 2011
All Heads of Departments,
Commissioners of Divisions,
Registrar, High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
District and Sessions Judges and
Deputy Commissioners in the State.
Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission —Grant of Mobile Phone Allowance.
I am directed to invite a reference to the subject cited above and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the employees of the State Government shall be entitled to a fixed Mobile Phone Allowance at the rates mentioned below:-
Sr.No. Category of Employees Rate per mensem (in Rupees)
1. Group-A 500
2. Group-B 300
3. Group-C 150
4. Group-D 100
The grant of Mobile Phone allowance shall be subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The employees will have to provide mobile numbers on which their superior or general
public can contact them for official work. These numbers can also be hosted on any
Government website.
(b) Those employees who are already entitled to Mobile Phone Facility may elect to retain the
same. In the case of such employees, the unutilized amount, if any, on their residential telephone will be allowed to be adjusted against their higher utilization of the mobile phone services.
(c) The payment shall be made alongwith the salary of the employees.
These orders shall be effective from the 1st October, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
(JASBIRKAUR) Under Secretary Finance
No. 1/16/2011-3FP2/ Q (7
Dated, Chandigarh, the 3rd October, 2011
All Heads of Departments,
Commissioners of Divisions,
Registrar, High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
District and Sessions Judges and
Deputy Commissioners in the State.
Subject:- Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay
Commission - Encashment of earned leave along with Leave Travel Concession.
I am directed to invite a reference to the subject cited above and to say that after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to decide that the State Government employees will be entitled to encash ten days' earned leave at the time of availing of Leave Travel Concession (L.T.C.) subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The encashment of earned leave shall be allowed only once during the relevant L.T.C.
Block of four years.
(b) The encashment of earned leave shall be limited to the extent of sixty days during the
entire service career.
(c) The earned leave encashed shall not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement.
(d) The encashment of earned leave shall be admissible without any linkage to the number of and the nature of leave availed for L.T.C. i e Where both husband and wife are Government employees, encashment of leave shall be admissible to both of them subject to a maximum of sixty days for each spouse during the
entire service career.
4. These orders shall be effective from the 1st October, 2011. The benefit under these orders shall be admissible only to those employees who proceed on L.T.C. journey on or after this date. The L.T.C. claims relating to the period prior to this date shall be regulated as per instructions applicable on the date of proceeding on journey.
Yours faithfully,
(JASBIR KAUR) Under Secretary Finance
Please heed towards all the suggestions and in particular , the Pay band revision for JBTs which is purely injustice. Failing to its implementation in the state, We will move to state high court within one month as its extreme of injustice with us now. I hope that the state govt. will announce it itself and not force us to agitate and move to court.
Thanking with regards,
Dated: 23-07-2012 Yours sincerely: Vijay Kumar Heer,State President
(Himachal Shikshak Kranti Manch, H.P.)
V.P.O. Chakmoh, Tehsil Barsar,Distt. Hamirpur (HP) 176039
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