P.A.T./Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/Primary Assistant Teacher policy in Himachal Pradesh - full detail
A Complete Detail by Vijay Kumar Heer
The Governor , Himachal Pradesh is pleased to notify “ Himachal; Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant Teacher (P.A.T.) Scheme, 2003” as per Annexure ‘A’ to recruit Primary Assistant Teachers through Panchayati Raj Institutions with a view to achieve the goals as laid down in the National Policy on Education , 1986 and Himachal Pradesh Primary Education Act, 1997. Please ensure that no explicit link with J.B.T. will be kept. Contract renewal will be done by Gram Panchayat .
This will come into force with immediate effect.
Himachal Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant
Teacher Scheme (P.A.T.)2003
1. Title- Himachal; Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant Teacher (P.A.T.) Scheme, 2003.
2. Rationale- The Indian constitution stipulates free and compulsory education for all children in the age group 6-14 years. This enjoins upon the community the duty of sending their children to school and also the State Govt. the responsibility of providing adequate facilities for it.
Proceeding in this direction , the State of Himachal Pradesh in order to promote universalisation of Primary Education and to achieve the target of 100% enrolment of children in the age group 6-11 years, has made tremendous progress in expanding the schooling facilities and improving the enrolment in Primary Schools. This has brought down the drop-out rate significantly. Access to schooling has been substantially achieved by opening of Primary Schools within a walkable distance of 1 to 1.5 Km. At present there are 10634(now 10682) notified Primary Schools in the State,out of which 10593 are functional. The enrolment in primary schools has increased manifolds from 8697 to manifolds from mere 8967 in 1948 to over 6.72 Lac in 2002. Accordingly the number of posts of teachers including J.B.T./H.T./C.H.T. have also increased from meager 278 to 31954 in 2001.
Further, the Government of Himachal Pradesh has already made Primary Education compulsory by enacting the HIMACHAL PRADESH COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION ACT,1997(ACT No.2 OF 1998).
Besides above , Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan hence after called “SSA” has also been started in the state to improve the performance of school system and provide community owned equal elementary education in the mission. It envisages bridging gender and social disparities at elementary level of education and therefore focuses on education of girls, scheduled castes, schedule tribes and children conformed with difficult circumstances. The specific objectives of “ SSA” are:-
• To enroll compulsorily all children in schools for elementary and primary education by providing schools/centres, alternate schools and back to school campus etc. by year 2003.
• To retain all children in age group of 6-14 in formal schools or their alternatives by the year 2010.
• To ensure that all the children in the age group of 6-11 complete five years of education by the year 2007 and all the elementary education by the year 2010.
• To bridge gender and social disparities at the primary level by the year 2007 and at elementary level by the year 2010.
Thus to achieve the gigantic task of universalisation of Elementary Education in view of tough geographical conditions of state, the non-availability of trained teaching man power, due to the financial constraints, the reluctance of the trained teachers available to serve in remote areas, teachers absentecism and poor scholastic standards etc. In order to counter these problems effectively , the Govt. proposes to fill the vacancies of J.B.T. teachers through Para-Teacher, who are paid less than regular J.B.T. teacher and who will keep the employees of the Gram Panchayats for all intents and purposes .Keeping these aspects in view,the H.P. PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(PAT) SHEME, 2003 has been visualized. This will cause significant saving in costs, which is important in the larger context of universalisation of Primary Education.
The scheme aims at , vesting more powers upon Gram Panchayats, so that they are able to perform the following functions:-
• Recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to teach the primary classes, in primary schools,located in jurisdiction of Gram Panchayats .
• To evaluate the performance of the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so appointed.
• To deal the service matters/conditions relating to Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) appointed under this scheme.
• To co-ordinate with the Department of Primary Education in the implementation of other policies of Govt. devised for the Universalisation of Primary Education.
3. Objectives:
(a) The SCHEME aims at total eradication of illiteracy as per the goals laid down in the National Policy on Education ,1986 and the Programme of Action,1992.
(b) To achieve the goals set out in The H.P. Compulsory Primary Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 2 of 1998) which has been enforced w.e.f. 1st April ,1998.
(c) To empower the Gram Panchayats further by decentralizing and involving Gram Panchayats in the elective running of Primary Schools.
(d) To achieve 100% enrolment of children in the age group of 6-11 years in the Govt. Primary Schools in Himachal Pradesh.
(e) To improve the standard of education in Primary Schools of H.P.
(f) To provide the innovative ways to counter the problem of teacher absentecism, i.e. inability shown by teachers in taking up postings in primary schools located in the remote and difficult areas.
(g) To provide an opportunity for the uneducated unemployed youth of Himachal Pradesh to teach in Govt. Primary Schools of their villages and earn a decent honorarium as well.
4. Assumptions:- Being contractual nature of appointment , The selection of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),from the same or the nearby village within the Gram Panchayat area and the condition will be precedent for the appointment as a requirement of belonging to the same village/community of the area, may motivate him, to work more efficiently . Moreover, it will help in curbing the problem of teachers absentecism and reluctance on the part of the teachers of urban areas to work in remote/inaccessible areas of the state. The local appointment of the teacher and his capablility to convenience with students/parents in the local language of area, will certainly help in bringing down the drop-out rate and achieve the professed target of universalisation of Primary Education. This may also likely to improve the standard of education in Govt. Primary Schools of Himachal Pradesh. In addition to this, local recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is likely to tackle the problem of un-employment , language and cultural gap between the teacher and students and facilitate a workable solution to the problem of non-availability of teachers in remote and inaccessible areas of the State.
5. Method of recruitment and conditions of service:
(a) Under this scheme Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be appointed by the respective Gram Panchayats of the area in which the Primary School is located, in accordance with the procedure mentioned.
(b) The actual number of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to be appointed as and when required , will be calculated on the basis of approved Pupil: Teacher Ratio/norms, School and Gram Panchayat wise, with the first preference to without/single teacher schools, followed by the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)in consonance with the approved Pupil: Teacher Ratio(PTR) ,in other schools also.
(c) Any vacancy of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) caused due to any reasons after the commencement of the scheme may be filled up by marking fresh appointments of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)in accordance with the procedure as laid down in the scheme for selection of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT). The Block Primary Education Officer will submit school-wise and Panchayat-wise requirement to concerned Deputy Director of Primary Education of the district concerned, who will submit the consolidated requirement for the district to the department. The Director Primary Education after seeking approval of the Govt. will accord permission to the concerned district to fill up the vacancies be engaging the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) through the Gram Panchayat s. The exact amount of required/anticipated Grant in Aid would be worked out and provided in budget and made available to the concerned Gram Panchayats.
(d) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),may be recruited initially for a period of one academic session by the respective Gram Panchayats of the area in which the Primary School is located, after observing the procedure laid down in the Annexure-I, of the scheme. The Academic session will be defined from time to time by Govt.
(e) Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so recruited will be the employees of the Gram Panchayats ,for all intent and purposes. They will not have any claim for regularization/absorption into Govt.job.
(f) The service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),shall be utilized by the Gram Panchayats in the Govt.Primary Schools ,against vacancies separately allocated for the purpose.
(g) The contract will ordinarily be renewed by the concerned Gram Panchayat, for further period, unless withheld for the reason to be recorded in writing in accordance with the conditions of the scheme.
(h) That Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall subject to orders of the Gram Panchayat of the officers and the authorities under whom he/she may from time to time to be placed by the Gram Panchayat and shall abide by the instructions issued by the Gram Panchayat and the Primary Education Department from time to time.
(i) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her capability and that he/she shall devote his/her time to the duties of the service and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any trade/business or occupation on his/her own account and he/she shall not( except in case of accident or sickness certified by civil surgeon/ authorized medical officer) absent himself / herself from his/her said duties without having obtained prior permission from the immediate officer or under whom serving for the time being. Such an officer shall intimate this fact immediately to the Gram Panchayat. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will not be entitled for any remuneration for the period of absence.
(j) The service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall terminate as follows:-
I. Automatically at the end of the term given in the contract of appointment unless renewed in the manner prescribed.
II. By the Gram Panchayat without previous notice, if Gram Panchayat is satisfied on the medical evidence before it, that Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is unfit and is likely to continue unfit for a considerable period by reason of ill health for the discharge of his/her duties. Provided always that the decision of the Gram Panchayat will be binding on the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and thereupon his/her service shall be terminated.
III. By the Gram Panchayat or its Officers having proper authority, with previous notice of being heard. If Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is found to be prima-facie guilty of in any subordination, intemperance, more turpitude, unauthorized absence or other misconduct or of any breach or non- performance of any of the provisions of the scheme, or is otherwise found unsuitable for the efficient performance of his/her duties on the specific recommendation and report of the authorized officer of Primary Education Department.
IV. By one month notice in writing given at any time during service under this agreement either by Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to the Gram Panchayat or by the Panchayat authority to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
V. Provided that the Gram Panchayat shall pay the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT), one-months’s remuneration in lieu of such notice , and thereupon his agreement shall stand terminated forthwith.
VI. The said Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall have to perform the work as may be assigned to him/her by the competent authority , other than his/her own duties in public interest.
VII. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained, the Government shall be free to make departure from the terms and conditions of this agreement in the exigencies of public service or in public interest , if circumstances so warrant.
VIII. The appointment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be contractual/ non-governmental job, on a fixed remuneration and it does not entitle him/her for any govt. scale, job or remuneration other than given to him by way of Grant-in-Aid.
IX. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall have to furnish a declaration to the effect that he/she has not come more than one living spouse in case he/she is married.
X. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be required to take the prescribed oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India.
XI. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be engaged subject to character and antecedents being certified to be good by the two Gazetted Officers/ responsible persons not being his/her relatives.
XII. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will have to furnish attested copies of certificates in support of date of birth, academic qualification etc. at the time of joining the contract to the Gram Panchayat and to the authorized officer of the department.
XIII. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will have to produce medical certificate of his / her fitness from a Government Medical Officer before joining.
XIV. No TA/DA will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) for joining the contract.
6. Minimum Essential Qualification: The minimum essential qualification for the post of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be , “ A pass in 10+2 examination” from a Board or a University duly recognized by the H.P. Government Candidates with higher academic qualification shall also be eligible to apply. The candidates with the professional qualifications in the field of education will be preferred.
7. Age- The minimum and maximum age for the appointment shall be as per the Government Rules/Instructions applicable from time to time. The relaxation in the upper age limit in respect of SCs/STs/Physically Handicapped/OBCs etc. will also be given as per the State Government instructions.
8. Honorarium: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be paid honorarium for ten months in the academic year, by the respective employer, i.e. Gram Panchayats of the area out of the Grant-in-Aid allocations made available by the State Government , in accordance with the following norms:-
(a) The untrained Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)shall be paid honorarium @ Rs. 2000/- per month for ten months, in an academic year, so long as he/she is untrained.
(b) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) , possessing the professional qualifications in the field of education of at least one year duration shall be entitled for an honorarium of Rs. 2500/- per month for ten months in an academic year.
Note: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall not be entitled for any honorarium during the annual vacations.
9. Appointing/Publishing Authority:- The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so recruited shall be contractual employees of the Gram Panchayats, for all intent and purposes. The appointing/publishing authority in respect of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be the employer , Gram Panchayat. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall maintain in absolute discipline and observe timings of the school. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall enter into an agreement with the concerned Gram Panchayats .This form is at the Annexure-II.
Note: The services of the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be liable for termination by the concerned Gram Panchayat on charges of continued unauthorized absence, moral turpitude, misconduct, involvement in political activities or on indulging in the acts of indiscipline or nay other acts mentioned in the Para-5 of this Scheme.
10. Selection Process: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be selected by following the process as detailed at Annexure-I.
11. Admissibility of Casual or any other kind of leave: (1) One Casual Leave will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) after putting One Month’s continuous service. Total Casual Leave admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be TEN in a year. No other kind of leave will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-para (i) of para-5 , the Continuous absence beyond a week from the school without prior approval of the Gram Panchayat shall automatically lead to the termination of the service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT). The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will not be entitled for any honorarium for the period of absence.
12. Right to Claim Regular Appointment: The candidates appointed as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) under the scheme, by the respective Gram Panchayat of the area in which the Primary School is located, shall also have no right to claim regularization / absorption appointment in the JBT Cadres of the State Government.
13. Repeal and Savings : (i) The H.P. GRAM VIDYA UPASAK YOJNA -2001 , notified vide notification no. EDN-C-B-(2)-1/99,dated 29-06-2001 , is hereby replealed.
(ii) Notwithstanding such repeal any action taken appointment made or anything done under scheme so repealed under 13(e) supra, shall be deemed to have been validity taken ,made or done under the corresponding provisions of this service.
Note: The Government of Himachal Pradesh shall have the right to relax /amend any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the above scheme in public interest.
Procedure for Identification of Vacancies Selection and Contractual
Engagement of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /
Primary Assistant Teacher (PAT)
1. Identification of vacancies: The concerned Block Primary Education Officer will identify the schools and vacancies in accordance with the approved Pupil Teacher Ratio(PTR)/Norms. First preference will be given to without teacher/single teacher schools. The Block Primary Education Officer concerned will submit the list of identified schools indicating the number of vacancies to the concerned Deputy Director of the District, who after proper verification of the requirement in accordance with approved PTR Norms, will submit the consolidated school-wise and Gram Panchayat wise list for the whole district to the department , duly authenticated. The permission will then be given to the concerned Gram Panchayat to fill up the vacancies with immediate effect from a specified date with prior approval of the Government.
2. Notification of vacancies: The Block Primary Education Officer after obtaining the prior permission of the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall notify, the approved number of vacancies, copies of which will be displayed on the Notice Board and copies sent to the concerned Gram Panchayats as well as Sub Divisional Officer(Civil), Tehsildar and BDO.
3. Application of Reservation Roster: Since the contractual engagement by the Gram Panchayat, for a particular school that too for a specified period on a fixed remuneration therefore, reservation roster is not applicable.
4. Selection Procedure: Candidate will be selected by the committee, comprising of representatives of the Gram Panchayat and local Government officials as per para 5 below.
5. Selection Committee:
The S.D.O. ………..Chairman (Civil) of the concerned.
The Pradhan ……………………. Member
Central Head Teacher of the concerned Center………………… Member
The Block Primary Education Officer of the concerned Block…….
Member Secretary
Provided that where a near relative of any member of Selection Committee is appearing for the interview ,such a member shall associate from the selection committee for the concerned school.
6. Eligibility for Applications: The candidates with requisite educational qualifications and age shall be eligible to apply. However preference will be given to the candidates belonging to the same Panchayat for which the vacancy has been notified , failing to which candidates belonging to adjoining Panchayats shall be considered and so on till suitable candidates becomes available.
7. Applications: The candidates will have to apply for the appointment as PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(PAT) on the plain paper to the Block Primary Education Officer of the concerned Block , in which the primary school is located along with attested photocopies of certificates. The candidates are required to paste one attested passport size photograph on the application form duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
8. Selection Criteria and Procedure: Weightage will be given in the following number for the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
I. +2 Marks (Actual percentage secured) = 50 marks
II. Graduation = 10 marks
III. Post Graduation or above = 05 marks
IV. Certificate/Diploma of at least one year = 05 marks
Duration in any teacher training course from a recognized board/university in JBT, B.Ed., C&V ( except music and craft)
V. Widows / Destitute women = 05 marks
VI. Un-employed family = 10 marks
VII. Personal Interview = 15 marks (Total: 100 marks)
9. Declaration of Result: Based on all the relevant certificates encloned with the applicant , a merit list will be drawn up within 15 days by the Block Primary education Officer(Member Secretary) concerned and the person(s) at the top will be recommended to the concerned Panchayat, subject to verification of all information and certificates against original.
10. Appointments: The appointment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be made on contractual basis by the employer Gram Panchayat within TEN days from the receipt of recommendations made by the concerned Block Primary Education Officer (Member Secretary) after executing a proper agreement between Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and the employer Gram Panchayat on the form of agreement at ANNEXURE-II. His/ Her services will ordinarily be continued unless withheld or refused by the competent authority, i.e. Gram Panchayat in accordance with laid down procedure.
The Gram Panchayat shall have the right to remove the service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) at any stage for reason to be recorded in writing and with one month’s notice, for breach of conditions of contract. Each year’s contract renewal will be regularly done by Gram Panchayat and shall be satisfied by the Gram Sabha in the next general meeting.
The H.P. Primary Education Department , the State Government and any other functionaries serving in connection with affairs of Government shall not be liable to own any responsibility in connection with any matter or any dispute arising out of the affairs related to the selection ,appointment , continuation in service or any other matter , except to the extent of payment of Grant in Aid to the employer Gram Panchayat in accordance with the approved procedure norms and rules relating to Grant in Aid. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) appointed under the scheme shall report to the field functionaries of the Department of Primary Education and abide by the instructions issued by department from time to time. Disobedience or non-compliance on the part of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) may read to discontinuation of payment of Grant-in Aid to the employer Gram Panchayat and will be deemed to be a breach of conditions of contract appointment.
Form of agreement of to be executed between Gram Panchayat and
Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) selected
Under H.P. Gram Shiksha Sahayak Scheme- 2003
This agreement is made on ……………….. day of …………. In the year …………… between Shri/Smt. ………………….. (Contract appointee hereunder called the FIRST PARTY) and the term and conditions hereinafter contained.
Whereas the Gram Panchayat is the FIRST PARTY and the said FIRST PARTY has agreed to serve as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.
Whereby it is agreed as follows
1. That the FIRST PARTY shall remain at the service of the Gram Panchayat as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) in the Govt. Primary School of Village…………………. Gram Panchayat…………………… Tehsil ……………………. For a period commencing on the day of ………….. and ending on the parties that the contract employment of the FIRST PARTY shall ipso-facto stand terminated on the last working day ,i.e. on………………..No formal notice/order by the Second Party conveying the termination of the contract period shall be necessary.
2. That the appointment of the First Party shall be subject to the orders of the Gram Panchayat and of the officers and the authorities under whom he/she may from time to time be placed by the Gram Panchayat. The First Party shall also abide by the instruction issued by Gram Panchayat and the Department of Primary Education from time to time.
3. That the First Party shall discharge the duties efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her ability as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and that he/she shall devote his/her time to duties of the service and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any trade / business or occupation on his/her own account and that he/she shall not (except in case of accident or sickness certified by civil surgeon/authorized medical officer) absent himself /herself from his/her said duties without having obtained prior permission from the immediate officer under whom serving for time being. Such an officer shall intimate this fact immediately to the Gram Panchayat . The First Party shall not be entitled for any remuneration for the period of absence.
4. The service of the First Party shall terminate as follows:-
I. Automatically at the end of the term given in the appointment letter unless renewed in the manner prescribed.
II. By the second party without prior notice, if the second party is satisfied on the medical evidence before it, that the FIRST PARTY if unfit and likely for a considerable period to continue unfit by reason of ill health for the discharge of his/her duties .Provided that the decision of the Second Party is likely to continue unfit shall be conclusively binding on the FIRST PARTY and thereupon his/her services shall be terminated.
III. By the SECOND PARTY or its officers having proper authority with previous notice, if the FIRST PARTY is found to be prima facie guilty of any insubordination, intemperance, moral turpitude or other misconduct or of any breach or non- performance of any of the provisions of these presents ,or is otherwise found unsuitable for efficient performance of his/ her duties on the specific recommendation and report of the authorized officer of Primary Education Department.
IV. By one-month notice in writing given at any time during service under this agreement either by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY or by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY.
V. Provided that the SECOND PARTY shall pay the FIRST PARTY one-month remuneration in lieu of such notice, and thereupon this agreement shall stand terminated forthwith.
5. SECOND PARTY shall pay the FIRST PARTY as long as the contract appointee remain on contract and actually performs the duties assigned to him/her , a consolidated remuneration of Rs. ………………. per month. No other allowance shall be admissible.
6. In respect of any matter of which no provision has been made in this agreement or in the H.P. PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(P.A.T.) SCHEME ,2003 the same shall be dealt with as per the instructions issued by the Govt. of H.P./ the Department of Primary Education , from time to time.
7. The FIRST PARTY shall have to perform the work as may be assigned to him/her by the competent authority, other than ,other than his/her own own duties in public interest.
8. It is expressly stated and agreed to by the FIRST PARTY ,that any duration of the service under this agreement shall no way give him/her any right to claim for absorption in regular vacancies that exist or may arise in future in particular cadre in the Department of Primary Education or other Department of H.P. Government.
9. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained in this agreement , the Govt. shall be free to make departure from the terms and conditions of this agreement in the exigencies of public service or in public interest if the circumstances so warrant.
10. The offer of appointment is contractual/non-government on a fixed remuneration and does not entitle the FIRST PARTY him/her for any government scale or job.
11. FIRST PARTY shall have to furnish a declaration to the effect that he/she has not more than one living spouse in case he/she is married.
12. FIRST PARTY will be required to take prescribed oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India.
13. FIRST PARTY shall be engaged subject to character and antecedents being certified to be good by two Gazetted Officers / responsible persons not being his/her relatives.
14. FIRST PARTY will have to furnish attested copies of certificates in support of date of birth, academic qualification etc. at the time of joining the contract to the Gram Panchayat and the authorized office of the Department.
15. FIRST PARTY will have to produce medical certificate of his/her fitness from a Govt. Medical Officer before joining.
16. No TA/DA will be paid to the FIRST PARTY for joining the contract.
In WITNESS the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY have herein to set their hands the day, month, year first, above written.
THE FIRST PARTY ……………………………..
1. ………………………..
2. ………………………..
(name and full address of the witnesses)
THE SECOND PARTY ………………………………
1. ………………………….
2. ………………………….
(name and full address of the witnesses)
{ Govt. of H.P. Principal Secretary (Education Department)Order No. EDNC-B.(2) 4/2003,Dated the 27th August, 2003}
H.P. Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)Scheme -2003,Application of reservation roster on the appointment/recruitment to be made under the scheme- The Reservation shall be provided at the district level since JBT is a district cadre post. The roster points shall be applied to the schools in alphabetical order . No marks will be provided for the IRDP/Handicapped since they are now getting reservation. To protect the interest of the most disadvantaged sections of society , the marks for “ Unemployed Family” be increased to “10”( ‘Family’ would mean husband, wife and financially dependent children). The extra “5” marks proposed for PG Qualification is also approved. Additional “5” marks proposed by the Director of Education for Teacher Training is not approved.
It is therefore , requested to take action in the matter accordingly and initiate the process of recruitment of PATs immedialtely.
A Complete Detail by Vijay Kumar Heer
The Governor , Himachal Pradesh is pleased to notify “ Himachal; Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant Teacher (P.A.T.) Scheme, 2003” as per Annexure ‘A’ to recruit Primary Assistant Teachers through Panchayati Raj Institutions with a view to achieve the goals as laid down in the National Policy on Education , 1986 and Himachal Pradesh Primary Education Act, 1997. Please ensure that no explicit link with J.B.T. will be kept. Contract renewal will be done by Gram Panchayat .
This will come into force with immediate effect.
Himachal Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant
Teacher Scheme (P.A.T.)2003
1. Title- Himachal; Pradesh Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /Primary Assistant Teacher (P.A.T.) Scheme, 2003.
2. Rationale- The Indian constitution stipulates free and compulsory education for all children in the age group 6-14 years. This enjoins upon the community the duty of sending their children to school and also the State Govt. the responsibility of providing adequate facilities for it.
Proceeding in this direction , the State of Himachal Pradesh in order to promote universalisation of Primary Education and to achieve the target of 100% enrolment of children in the age group 6-11 years, has made tremendous progress in expanding the schooling facilities and improving the enrolment in Primary Schools. This has brought down the drop-out rate significantly. Access to schooling has been substantially achieved by opening of Primary Schools within a walkable distance of 1 to 1.5 Km. At present there are 10634(now 10682) notified Primary Schools in the State,out of which 10593 are functional. The enrolment in primary schools has increased manifolds from 8697 to manifolds from mere 8967 in 1948 to over 6.72 Lac in 2002. Accordingly the number of posts of teachers including J.B.T./H.T./C.H.T. have also increased from meager 278 to 31954 in 2001.
Further, the Government of Himachal Pradesh has already made Primary Education compulsory by enacting the HIMACHAL PRADESH COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION ACT,1997(ACT No.2 OF 1998).
Besides above , Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan hence after called “SSA” has also been started in the state to improve the performance of school system and provide community owned equal elementary education in the mission. It envisages bridging gender and social disparities at elementary level of education and therefore focuses on education of girls, scheduled castes, schedule tribes and children conformed with difficult circumstances. The specific objectives of “ SSA” are:-
• To enroll compulsorily all children in schools for elementary and primary education by providing schools/centres, alternate schools and back to school campus etc. by year 2003.
• To retain all children in age group of 6-14 in formal schools or their alternatives by the year 2010.
• To ensure that all the children in the age group of 6-11 complete five years of education by the year 2007 and all the elementary education by the year 2010.
• To bridge gender and social disparities at the primary level by the year 2007 and at elementary level by the year 2010.
Thus to achieve the gigantic task of universalisation of Elementary Education in view of tough geographical conditions of state, the non-availability of trained teaching man power, due to the financial constraints, the reluctance of the trained teachers available to serve in remote areas, teachers absentecism and poor scholastic standards etc. In order to counter these problems effectively , the Govt. proposes to fill the vacancies of J.B.T. teachers through Para-Teacher, who are paid less than regular J.B.T. teacher and who will keep the employees of the Gram Panchayats for all intents and purposes .Keeping these aspects in view,the H.P. PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(PAT) SHEME, 2003 has been visualized. This will cause significant saving in costs, which is important in the larger context of universalisation of Primary Education.
The scheme aims at , vesting more powers upon Gram Panchayats, so that they are able to perform the following functions:-
• Recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to teach the primary classes, in primary schools,located in jurisdiction of Gram Panchayats .
• To evaluate the performance of the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so appointed.
• To deal the service matters/conditions relating to Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) appointed under this scheme.
• To co-ordinate with the Department of Primary Education in the implementation of other policies of Govt. devised for the Universalisation of Primary Education.
3. Objectives:
(a) The SCHEME aims at total eradication of illiteracy as per the goals laid down in the National Policy on Education ,1986 and the Programme of Action,1992.
(b) To achieve the goals set out in The H.P. Compulsory Primary Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 2 of 1998) which has been enforced w.e.f. 1st April ,1998.
(c) To empower the Gram Panchayats further by decentralizing and involving Gram Panchayats in the elective running of Primary Schools.
(d) To achieve 100% enrolment of children in the age group of 6-11 years in the Govt. Primary Schools in Himachal Pradesh.
(e) To improve the standard of education in Primary Schools of H.P.
(f) To provide the innovative ways to counter the problem of teacher absentecism, i.e. inability shown by teachers in taking up postings in primary schools located in the remote and difficult areas.
(g) To provide an opportunity for the uneducated unemployed youth of Himachal Pradesh to teach in Govt. Primary Schools of their villages and earn a decent honorarium as well.
4. Assumptions:- Being contractual nature of appointment , The selection of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),from the same or the nearby village within the Gram Panchayat area and the condition will be precedent for the appointment as a requirement of belonging to the same village/community of the area, may motivate him, to work more efficiently . Moreover, it will help in curbing the problem of teachers absentecism and reluctance on the part of the teachers of urban areas to work in remote/inaccessible areas of the state. The local appointment of the teacher and his capablility to convenience with students/parents in the local language of area, will certainly help in bringing down the drop-out rate and achieve the professed target of universalisation of Primary Education. This may also likely to improve the standard of education in Govt. Primary Schools of Himachal Pradesh. In addition to this, local recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is likely to tackle the problem of un-employment , language and cultural gap between the teacher and students and facilitate a workable solution to the problem of non-availability of teachers in remote and inaccessible areas of the State.
5. Method of recruitment and conditions of service:
(a) Under this scheme Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be appointed by the respective Gram Panchayats of the area in which the Primary School is located, in accordance with the procedure mentioned.
(b) The actual number of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to be appointed as and when required , will be calculated on the basis of approved Pupil: Teacher Ratio/norms, School and Gram Panchayat wise, with the first preference to without/single teacher schools, followed by the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)in consonance with the approved Pupil: Teacher Ratio(PTR) ,in other schools also.
(c) Any vacancy of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) caused due to any reasons after the commencement of the scheme may be filled up by marking fresh appointments of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)in accordance with the procedure as laid down in the scheme for selection of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT). The Block Primary Education Officer will submit school-wise and Panchayat-wise requirement to concerned Deputy Director of Primary Education of the district concerned, who will submit the consolidated requirement for the district to the department. The Director Primary Education after seeking approval of the Govt. will accord permission to the concerned district to fill up the vacancies be engaging the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) through the Gram Panchayat s. The exact amount of required/anticipated Grant in Aid would be worked out and provided in budget and made available to the concerned Gram Panchayats.
(d) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),may be recruited initially for a period of one academic session by the respective Gram Panchayats of the area in which the Primary School is located, after observing the procedure laid down in the Annexure-I, of the scheme. The Academic session will be defined from time to time by Govt.
(e) Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so recruited will be the employees of the Gram Panchayats ,for all intent and purposes. They will not have any claim for regularization/absorption into Govt.job.
(f) The service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT),shall be utilized by the Gram Panchayats in the Govt.Primary Schools ,against vacancies separately allocated for the purpose.
(g) The contract will ordinarily be renewed by the concerned Gram Panchayat, for further period, unless withheld for the reason to be recorded in writing in accordance with the conditions of the scheme.
(h) That Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall subject to orders of the Gram Panchayat of the officers and the authorities under whom he/she may from time to time to be placed by the Gram Panchayat and shall abide by the instructions issued by the Gram Panchayat and the Primary Education Department from time to time.
(i) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her capability and that he/she shall devote his/her time to the duties of the service and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any trade/business or occupation on his/her own account and he/she shall not( except in case of accident or sickness certified by civil surgeon/ authorized medical officer) absent himself / herself from his/her said duties without having obtained prior permission from the immediate officer or under whom serving for the time being. Such an officer shall intimate this fact immediately to the Gram Panchayat. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will not be entitled for any remuneration for the period of absence.
(j) The service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall terminate as follows:-
I. Automatically at the end of the term given in the contract of appointment unless renewed in the manner prescribed.
II. By the Gram Panchayat without previous notice, if Gram Panchayat is satisfied on the medical evidence before it, that Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is unfit and is likely to continue unfit for a considerable period by reason of ill health for the discharge of his/her duties. Provided always that the decision of the Gram Panchayat will be binding on the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and thereupon his/her service shall be terminated.
III. By the Gram Panchayat or its Officers having proper authority, with previous notice of being heard. If Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) is found to be prima-facie guilty of in any subordination, intemperance, more turpitude, unauthorized absence or other misconduct or of any breach or non- performance of any of the provisions of the scheme, or is otherwise found unsuitable for the efficient performance of his/her duties on the specific recommendation and report of the authorized officer of Primary Education Department.
IV. By one month notice in writing given at any time during service under this agreement either by Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) to the Gram Panchayat or by the Panchayat authority to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
V. Provided that the Gram Panchayat shall pay the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT), one-months’s remuneration in lieu of such notice , and thereupon his agreement shall stand terminated forthwith.
VI. The said Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall have to perform the work as may be assigned to him/her by the competent authority , other than his/her own duties in public interest.
VII. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained, the Government shall be free to make departure from the terms and conditions of this agreement in the exigencies of public service or in public interest , if circumstances so warrant.
VIII. The appointment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be contractual/ non-governmental job, on a fixed remuneration and it does not entitle him/her for any govt. scale, job or remuneration other than given to him by way of Grant-in-Aid.
IX. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall have to furnish a declaration to the effect that he/she has not come more than one living spouse in case he/she is married.
X. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be required to take the prescribed oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India.
XI. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be engaged subject to character and antecedents being certified to be good by the two Gazetted Officers/ responsible persons not being his/her relatives.
XII. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will have to furnish attested copies of certificates in support of date of birth, academic qualification etc. at the time of joining the contract to the Gram Panchayat and to the authorized officer of the department.
XIII. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will have to produce medical certificate of his / her fitness from a Government Medical Officer before joining.
XIV. No TA/DA will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) for joining the contract.
6. Minimum Essential Qualification: The minimum essential qualification for the post of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be , “ A pass in 10+2 examination” from a Board or a University duly recognized by the H.P. Government Candidates with higher academic qualification shall also be eligible to apply. The candidates with the professional qualifications in the field of education will be preferred.
7. Age- The minimum and maximum age for the appointment shall be as per the Government Rules/Instructions applicable from time to time. The relaxation in the upper age limit in respect of SCs/STs/Physically Handicapped/OBCs etc. will also be given as per the State Government instructions.
8. Honorarium: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be paid honorarium for ten months in the academic year, by the respective employer, i.e. Gram Panchayats of the area out of the Grant-in-Aid allocations made available by the State Government , in accordance with the following norms:-
(a) The untrained Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)shall be paid honorarium @ Rs. 2000/- per month for ten months, in an academic year, so long as he/she is untrained.
(b) The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) , possessing the professional qualifications in the field of education of at least one year duration shall be entitled for an honorarium of Rs. 2500/- per month for ten months in an academic year.
Note: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall not be entitled for any honorarium during the annual vacations.
9. Appointing/Publishing Authority:- The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) so recruited shall be contractual employees of the Gram Panchayats, for all intent and purposes. The appointing/publishing authority in respect of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be the employer , Gram Panchayat. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall maintain in absolute discipline and observe timings of the school. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall enter into an agreement with the concerned Gram Panchayats .This form is at the Annexure-II.
Note: The services of the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be liable for termination by the concerned Gram Panchayat on charges of continued unauthorized absence, moral turpitude, misconduct, involvement in political activities or on indulging in the acts of indiscipline or nay other acts mentioned in the Para-5 of this Scheme.
10. Selection Process: The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall be selected by following the process as detailed at Annexure-I.
11. Admissibility of Casual or any other kind of leave: (1) One Casual Leave will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) after putting One Month’s continuous service. Total Casual Leave admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be TEN in a year. No other kind of leave will be admissible to the Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-para (i) of para-5 , the Continuous absence beyond a week from the school without prior approval of the Gram Panchayat shall automatically lead to the termination of the service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT). The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will not be entitled for any honorarium for the period of absence.
12. Right to Claim Regular Appointment: The candidates appointed as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) under the scheme, by the respective Gram Panchayat of the area in which the Primary School is located, shall also have no right to claim regularization / absorption appointment in the JBT Cadres of the State Government.
13. Repeal and Savings : (i) The H.P. GRAM VIDYA UPASAK YOJNA -2001 , notified vide notification no. EDN-C-B-(2)-1/99,dated 29-06-2001 , is hereby replealed.
(ii) Notwithstanding such repeal any action taken appointment made or anything done under scheme so repealed under 13(e) supra, shall be deemed to have been validity taken ,made or done under the corresponding provisions of this service.
Note: The Government of Himachal Pradesh shall have the right to relax /amend any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the above scheme in public interest.
Procedure for Identification of Vacancies Selection and Contractual
Engagement of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak /
Primary Assistant Teacher (PAT)
1. Identification of vacancies: The concerned Block Primary Education Officer will identify the schools and vacancies in accordance with the approved Pupil Teacher Ratio(PTR)/Norms. First preference will be given to without teacher/single teacher schools. The Block Primary Education Officer concerned will submit the list of identified schools indicating the number of vacancies to the concerned Deputy Director of the District, who after proper verification of the requirement in accordance with approved PTR Norms, will submit the consolidated school-wise and Gram Panchayat wise list for the whole district to the department , duly authenticated. The permission will then be given to the concerned Gram Panchayat to fill up the vacancies with immediate effect from a specified date with prior approval of the Government.
2. Notification of vacancies: The Block Primary Education Officer after obtaining the prior permission of the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) shall notify, the approved number of vacancies, copies of which will be displayed on the Notice Board and copies sent to the concerned Gram Panchayats as well as Sub Divisional Officer(Civil), Tehsildar and BDO.
3. Application of Reservation Roster: Since the contractual engagement by the Gram Panchayat, for a particular school that too for a specified period on a fixed remuneration therefore, reservation roster is not applicable.
4. Selection Procedure: Candidate will be selected by the committee, comprising of representatives of the Gram Panchayat and local Government officials as per para 5 below.
5. Selection Committee:
The S.D.O. ………..Chairman (Civil) of the concerned.
The Pradhan ……………………. Member
Central Head Teacher of the concerned Center………………… Member
The Block Primary Education Officer of the concerned Block…….
Member Secretary
Provided that where a near relative of any member of Selection Committee is appearing for the interview ,such a member shall associate from the selection committee for the concerned school.
6. Eligibility for Applications: The candidates with requisite educational qualifications and age shall be eligible to apply. However preference will be given to the candidates belonging to the same Panchayat for which the vacancy has been notified , failing to which candidates belonging to adjoining Panchayats shall be considered and so on till suitable candidates becomes available.
7. Applications: The candidates will have to apply for the appointment as PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(PAT) on the plain paper to the Block Primary Education Officer of the concerned Block , in which the primary school is located along with attested photocopies of certificates. The candidates are required to paste one attested passport size photograph on the application form duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
8. Selection Criteria and Procedure: Weightage will be given in the following number for the recruitment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT).
I. +2 Marks (Actual percentage secured) = 50 marks
II. Graduation = 10 marks
III. Post Graduation or above = 05 marks
IV. Certificate/Diploma of at least one year = 05 marks
Duration in any teacher training course from a recognized board/university in JBT, B.Ed., C&V ( except music and craft)
V. Widows / Destitute women = 05 marks
VI. Un-employed family = 10 marks
VII. Personal Interview = 15 marks (Total: 100 marks)
9. Declaration of Result: Based on all the relevant certificates encloned with the applicant , a merit list will be drawn up within 15 days by the Block Primary education Officer(Member Secretary) concerned and the person(s) at the top will be recommended to the concerned Panchayat, subject to verification of all information and certificates against original.
10. Appointments: The appointment of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) will be made on contractual basis by the employer Gram Panchayat within TEN days from the receipt of recommendations made by the concerned Block Primary Education Officer (Member Secretary) after executing a proper agreement between Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and the employer Gram Panchayat on the form of agreement at ANNEXURE-II. His/ Her services will ordinarily be continued unless withheld or refused by the competent authority, i.e. Gram Panchayat in accordance with laid down procedure.
The Gram Panchayat shall have the right to remove the service of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) at any stage for reason to be recorded in writing and with one month’s notice, for breach of conditions of contract. Each year’s contract renewal will be regularly done by Gram Panchayat and shall be satisfied by the Gram Sabha in the next general meeting.
The H.P. Primary Education Department , the State Government and any other functionaries serving in connection with affairs of Government shall not be liable to own any responsibility in connection with any matter or any dispute arising out of the affairs related to the selection ,appointment , continuation in service or any other matter , except to the extent of payment of Grant in Aid to the employer Gram Panchayat in accordance with the approved procedure norms and rules relating to Grant in Aid. The Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) appointed under the scheme shall report to the field functionaries of the Department of Primary Education and abide by the instructions issued by department from time to time. Disobedience or non-compliance on the part of Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) may read to discontinuation of payment of Grant-in Aid to the employer Gram Panchayat and will be deemed to be a breach of conditions of contract appointment.
Form of agreement of to be executed between Gram Panchayat and
Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) selected
Under H.P. Gram Shiksha Sahayak Scheme- 2003
This agreement is made on ……………….. day of …………. In the year …………… between Shri/Smt. ………………….. (Contract appointee hereunder called the FIRST PARTY) and the term and conditions hereinafter contained.
Whereas the Gram Panchayat is the FIRST PARTY and the said FIRST PARTY has agreed to serve as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.
Whereby it is agreed as follows
1. That the FIRST PARTY shall remain at the service of the Gram Panchayat as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) in the Govt. Primary School of Village…………………. Gram Panchayat…………………… Tehsil ……………………. For a period commencing on the day of ………….. and ending on the parties that the contract employment of the FIRST PARTY shall ipso-facto stand terminated on the last working day ,i.e. on………………..No formal notice/order by the Second Party conveying the termination of the contract period shall be necessary.
2. That the appointment of the First Party shall be subject to the orders of the Gram Panchayat and of the officers and the authorities under whom he/she may from time to time be placed by the Gram Panchayat. The First Party shall also abide by the instruction issued by Gram Panchayat and the Department of Primary Education from time to time.
3. That the First Party shall discharge the duties efficiently and diligently and to the best of his/her ability as Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT) and that he/she shall devote his/her time to duties of the service and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any trade / business or occupation on his/her own account and that he/she shall not (except in case of accident or sickness certified by civil surgeon/authorized medical officer) absent himself /herself from his/her said duties without having obtained prior permission from the immediate officer under whom serving for time being. Such an officer shall intimate this fact immediately to the Gram Panchayat . The First Party shall not be entitled for any remuneration for the period of absence.
4. The service of the First Party shall terminate as follows:-
I. Automatically at the end of the term given in the appointment letter unless renewed in the manner prescribed.
II. By the second party without prior notice, if the second party is satisfied on the medical evidence before it, that the FIRST PARTY if unfit and likely for a considerable period to continue unfit by reason of ill health for the discharge of his/her duties .Provided that the decision of the Second Party is likely to continue unfit shall be conclusively binding on the FIRST PARTY and thereupon his/her services shall be terminated.
III. By the SECOND PARTY or its officers having proper authority with previous notice, if the FIRST PARTY is found to be prima facie guilty of any insubordination, intemperance, moral turpitude or other misconduct or of any breach or non- performance of any of the provisions of these presents ,or is otherwise found unsuitable for efficient performance of his/ her duties on the specific recommendation and report of the authorized officer of Primary Education Department.
IV. By one-month notice in writing given at any time during service under this agreement either by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY or by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY.
V. Provided that the SECOND PARTY shall pay the FIRST PARTY one-month remuneration in lieu of such notice, and thereupon this agreement shall stand terminated forthwith.
5. SECOND PARTY shall pay the FIRST PARTY as long as the contract appointee remain on contract and actually performs the duties assigned to him/her , a consolidated remuneration of Rs. ………………. per month. No other allowance shall be admissible.
6. In respect of any matter of which no provision has been made in this agreement or in the H.P. PRATHMIK SAHAYAK ADHYAPAK/ PRIMARY ASSISTANT TEACHER(P.A.T.) SCHEME ,2003 the same shall be dealt with as per the instructions issued by the Govt. of H.P./ the Department of Primary Education , from time to time.
7. The FIRST PARTY shall have to perform the work as may be assigned to him/her by the competent authority, other than ,other than his/her own own duties in public interest.
8. It is expressly stated and agreed to by the FIRST PARTY ,that any duration of the service under this agreement shall no way give him/her any right to claim for absorption in regular vacancies that exist or may arise in future in particular cadre in the Department of Primary Education or other Department of H.P. Government.
9. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained in this agreement , the Govt. shall be free to make departure from the terms and conditions of this agreement in the exigencies of public service or in public interest if the circumstances so warrant.
10. The offer of appointment is contractual/non-government on a fixed remuneration and does not entitle the FIRST PARTY him/her for any government scale or job.
11. FIRST PARTY shall have to furnish a declaration to the effect that he/she has not more than one living spouse in case he/she is married.
12. FIRST PARTY will be required to take prescribed oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India.
13. FIRST PARTY shall be engaged subject to character and antecedents being certified to be good by two Gazetted Officers / responsible persons not being his/her relatives.
14. FIRST PARTY will have to furnish attested copies of certificates in support of date of birth, academic qualification etc. at the time of joining the contract to the Gram Panchayat and the authorized office of the Department.
15. FIRST PARTY will have to produce medical certificate of his/her fitness from a Govt. Medical Officer before joining.
16. No TA/DA will be paid to the FIRST PARTY for joining the contract.
In WITNESS the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY have herein to set their hands the day, month, year first, above written.
THE FIRST PARTY ……………………………..
1. ………………………..
2. ………………………..
(name and full address of the witnesses)
THE SECOND PARTY ………………………………
1. ………………………….
2. ………………………….
(name and full address of the witnesses)
{ Govt. of H.P. Principal Secretary (Education Department)Order No. EDNC-B.(2) 4/2003,Dated the 27th August, 2003}
H.P. Prathmik Sahayak Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher(PAT)Scheme -2003,Application of reservation roster on the appointment/recruitment to be made under the scheme- The Reservation shall be provided at the district level since JBT is a district cadre post. The roster points shall be applied to the schools in alphabetical order . No marks will be provided for the IRDP/Handicapped since they are now getting reservation. To protect the interest of the most disadvantaged sections of society , the marks for “ Unemployed Family” be increased to “10”( ‘Family’ would mean husband, wife and financially dependent children). The extra “5” marks proposed for PG Qualification is also approved. Additional “5” marks proposed by the Director of Education for Teacher Training is not approved.
It is therefore , requested to take action in the matter accordingly and initiate the process of recruitment of PATs immedialtely.