Primary Assistant Teachers(PATs) in HP
Himachap Pradesh Government had initiated a policy for recruiting teachers in primary schools against lying vacant posts of JBTs in the state after a long discussion about its features. The cabinet had approved the appointments of PATs with some major discrepancies in the system which have created a problem in their regularization and training in the state. The decision of their recruitment was taken as follow:
The Drop out Rate at primary stage of education in the State has also come down to 0.89 per cent. In order to tackle the problem like Teacher Absenteeism /Reluctance of teachers to accept posting in Primary schools located in Remote/ Difficult Sub-Cadre Areas, the Government formulated "H.P. Prathmik Sahayak Adhayapak/Primary Assistant Teachers (PAT)-2003", scheme under which the Government has given approval for appointing 5810 Primary Assistant teachers (PATs) against vacant posts of JBTs in the Primary schools of the State.
Now, the major concern at the time of recruitment was to reduce the problem of lack of JBTs in various schools. Unfortunately, the recruitment started without necessary amendments in R & P Rules. The authority of controlling and supervision as well as the renewal of annual contract was handed over to Gram Panchayats than to the concerned Block Elementary Education Officers/ with Department of Elementary Eduaction every year. However, we must realize that the intention was good from the view of empowering the Panchayati Raj Institutions, but local political interference in schools and political pangs from particular Pradhan were some areas of major concern which were ignored.We should not forget that even many Panchayat Pradhans are today involved in politics. So political revenge from anti party teacher could become a barricade in renewal of his annual contract enabling to serve further. However, it is a better policy than PTA.Its recruitment was fair enough and done on merit basis. Its criterias of selection were based on merit and high qualification preference in Himachal Pradesh as the recruitments of PATs were done by S.D.M. of the concerned sub-division .Anyhow, the policy was approved and more than 5810 PATs were recruited in Himachal Pradesh.
Then on 5th Sept. , 2005 ,The Himachal Pradesh Cabinet approved regularization of the services of Nursery Teachers who were working against the JBT posts.
Amalgamation of the category of Gram Vidya Upasak into the category of Prathmic SAHAYAK Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher (PAT) approved.
It was a new decision done by the state government when Gramin Vidya Upasaks were amalgamated into the category of PATs. The decision would have been favorable to all if it would have been implemented properly.
Gramin Vidya Upasaks were the earlier recruitments than PATs. It was the first problem in their amalgamation. Both PATs and GVUs belong to same category of working under contarct in the Panchayats of the concerned school , but the recruitment process was also different. Most problematic issue was that both GVUs and PATs had many highly qualified teachers who posses Graduation, Post Graduation and B.Ed./M.Ed. too.They are eligible to be called TGTs but they have not been made JBTs. It is quite interesting that high qualification does not allow them to get even the lower status. PATs were devided into 2 categories called Trained PATs and Untrained PATs. The salary of PATs was different with a difference of Rupees Five Hunderd as untrained PATs were paid Rs 2500 and Trained PATs were paid Rs. 3000 per month. But this categorisation was not done in case of GVUs. Hence, the policy had continued to be unamalgamated instead of amalgamation. Then, a new problem was created by the state government when PATs were not given Basic +Dearness like Gramin Vidya Upasaks who got it. Now untrined PATs get only Rs 3500 per month, Trained PATs get Rs 4000 per month and GVUs get Rs 6812 per month salary instead of same post , same work, same policy and same government. What can we call it ? When the benefit of Basic + Dearness pay and training in DIETs is to be given, the PATs and GVUs are different , but when the other matters come , they are same. It is a pathetic cry of these teachers.
I do not understand why we are unable to implement the same policy of training, regularization and pay to Primary Teachers? We have a policy that every teacher will be regularized after 8 years of service. But NTTs, Contract Primary Teachers are exception to it who got this benefit in nine years. Now, policy of GVUs make clear that they will be regularized after 6 years of service after a training by the Dept. in DIETs of each distt. I am thankful to Honble. Prime Minister, Honble. President of India and Honble. Education Secretary of HP who co-operated me in intiating the training programme for these categories by issuing necessary directions to the state govt. Now, implementation has once again made differences. GVUs are now getting training but PATs are not given this training. Why cannot we trained the untrained teachers ?Who can tolerate the primary education in the hands of untrained teachers ? The training may be given to both in same time and at same venue in each distt. Which will save the expenditure and time as well as future of children if done simultaneously. But who can bell this cat ?I appeal state government to make a clear policy about PATs by making a firm notification that they will be regular after 8 years of service in every condition. If it is not done, who can stop the agitation of the exploited teachers ?
Himachap Pradesh Government had initiated a policy for recruiting teachers in primary schools against lying vacant posts of JBTs in the state after a long discussion about its features. The cabinet had approved the appointments of PATs with some major discrepancies in the system which have created a problem in their regularization and training in the state. The decision of their recruitment was taken as follow:
The Drop out Rate at primary stage of education in the State has also come down to 0.89 per cent. In order to tackle the problem like Teacher Absenteeism /Reluctance of teachers to accept posting in Primary schools located in Remote/ Difficult Sub-Cadre Areas, the Government formulated "H.P. Prathmik Sahayak Adhayapak/Primary Assistant Teachers (PAT)-2003", scheme under which the Government has given approval for appointing 5810 Primary Assistant teachers (PATs) against vacant posts of JBTs in the Primary schools of the State.
Now, the major concern at the time of recruitment was to reduce the problem of lack of JBTs in various schools. Unfortunately, the recruitment started without necessary amendments in R & P Rules. The authority of controlling and supervision as well as the renewal of annual contract was handed over to Gram Panchayats than to the concerned Block Elementary Education Officers/ with Department of Elementary Eduaction every year. However, we must realize that the intention was good from the view of empowering the Panchayati Raj Institutions, but local political interference in schools and political pangs from particular Pradhan were some areas of major concern which were ignored.We should not forget that even many Panchayat Pradhans are today involved in politics. So political revenge from anti party teacher could become a barricade in renewal of his annual contract enabling to serve further. However, it is a better policy than PTA.Its recruitment was fair enough and done on merit basis. Its criterias of selection were based on merit and high qualification preference in Himachal Pradesh as the recruitments of PATs were done by S.D.M. of the concerned sub-division .Anyhow, the policy was approved and more than 5810 PATs were recruited in Himachal Pradesh.
Then on 5th Sept. , 2005 ,The Himachal Pradesh Cabinet approved regularization of the services of Nursery Teachers who were working against the JBT posts.
Amalgamation of the category of Gram Vidya Upasak into the category of Prathmic SAHAYAK Adhyapak/ Primary Assistant Teacher (PAT) approved.
It was a new decision done by the state government when Gramin Vidya Upasaks were amalgamated into the category of PATs. The decision would have been favorable to all if it would have been implemented properly.
Gramin Vidya Upasaks were the earlier recruitments than PATs. It was the first problem in their amalgamation. Both PATs and GVUs belong to same category of working under contarct in the Panchayats of the concerned school , but the recruitment process was also different. Most problematic issue was that both GVUs and PATs had many highly qualified teachers who posses Graduation, Post Graduation and B.Ed./M.Ed. too.They are eligible to be called TGTs but they have not been made JBTs. It is quite interesting that high qualification does not allow them to get even the lower status. PATs were devided into 2 categories called Trained PATs and Untrained PATs. The salary of PATs was different with a difference of Rupees Five Hunderd as untrained PATs were paid Rs 2500 and Trained PATs were paid Rs. 3000 per month. But this categorisation was not done in case of GVUs. Hence, the policy had continued to be unamalgamated instead of amalgamation. Then, a new problem was created by the state government when PATs were not given Basic +Dearness like Gramin Vidya Upasaks who got it. Now untrined PATs get only Rs 3500 per month, Trained PATs get Rs 4000 per month and GVUs get Rs 6812 per month salary instead of same post , same work, same policy and same government. What can we call it ? When the benefit of Basic + Dearness pay and training in DIETs is to be given, the PATs and GVUs are different , but when the other matters come , they are same. It is a pathetic cry of these teachers.
I do not understand why we are unable to implement the same policy of training, regularization and pay to Primary Teachers? We have a policy that every teacher will be regularized after 8 years of service. But NTTs, Contract Primary Teachers are exception to it who got this benefit in nine years. Now, policy of GVUs make clear that they will be regularized after 6 years of service after a training by the Dept. in DIETs of each distt. I am thankful to Honble. Prime Minister, Honble. President of India and Honble. Education Secretary of HP who co-operated me in intiating the training programme for these categories by issuing necessary directions to the state govt. Now, implementation has once again made differences. GVUs are now getting training but PATs are not given this training. Why cannot we trained the untrained teachers ?Who can tolerate the primary education in the hands of untrained teachers ? The training may be given to both in same time and at same venue in each distt. Which will save the expenditure and time as well as future of children if done simultaneously. But who can bell this cat ?I appeal state government to make a clear policy about PATs by making a firm notification that they will be regular after 8 years of service in every condition. If it is not done, who can stop the agitation of the exploited teachers ?
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