School Management Committees’ will be constituted for all the Elementary schools within the State of Himachal Pradesh, including the private schools affiliated with the H.P. Board of School Education.

4.1 Aims / Objectives of constituting School Management Committees
1)         To ensure the achievement of targets prescribed under Right of Children to Free and Compulsory  Education, Act ,2009, for the children.
2)         Striving to achieve the objectives of enrolment retention and   learning achievement as prescribed under National Education Policy for Universalization of Elementary Education
3)        To strengthen the participation of Teachers and Parents in the School
4)         To empower the Parent/Teacher community for taking decisions on use of various facilities, implementatiion of and monitoring the use of school grants received from the appropriate government or local authority or any other source.
5)         To   increas community   participation   in   improvement   of   learning achievement level of students.
6)         To develop the spirit of community ownership of schools while ensuring community participation in school development and management.

4.2 Constitution of School Management Committee.

1)         Seventy five percent of the strength of the School Management Committee shall be from amongst parents or guardians of children.
2)         The remaining twenty five percent of the strength of the SMC shall be from amongst   the following persongs.

2.1       One  third  members  from  amongst  the  elected  members  of  the  local authority, to be decided by the authority.

2.2        One third members from amongst teachers from the school, to be decided by the teachers of the school;

Remaining one third from amongst local educationists/children in the school, to be    decided by the parents in the Committee.

All the parents/natural guardians of the student studying in the school and the teachers working in such schools will be included in the School Management Committee. Since the teachers parents and representatives of Panchayats/ local

bodies are being included in the School Management committee, therefore, the village Education committee/mother /parent/teacher association will not be constituted and above mentioned organization presently working, will stop working after the constitution of School Management Committee. The School Management Committee will have following two organs namely, the General body of School Management Committee and the Executive Council of School Management Committee.

4.2.1    General body of School Management Committee

In the general body School Management Committee all the parents/natural guardians of the student studying in the school and the teachers working in such schools will be included. The conerned Gram Panchyat/ local body representatives of the concerned ward will be the nominated member. Every year after the completion of academic session the memebership of those parents will automatically come to an end whose children/wards would have left the school after completion of their education and the parents of n ewly admitted children will automatically become member of the General Body of School Mangement Committee.

4.2.2 The General Body of School Management Committee will elect in its 1st meeting, from amongst its parent member, one parent to function as president of the School Management Committee. The tenure of the president will be one year.

4.2.3 General body of School Management Committee can organize their meetings  as  per  their  needs.  But  they  will  have  to  organize  following meetings:
The first general meeting of SMC should be called within 15 days of commencement of new academic sessions 2, second meeting to be organized on teacher’s day, the 5th September and third meeting to be organized on the day of declaration of final results. Besides this the general body of School Management  Committee  can  decide  for  calling  meetings  in  which  10 memebers should give prior notice to Member Secretary.

4.2.4 The Headmaster in his absence, the senior most teacher of the school would be nominated member secretary of SMC. He/She would be responsible for keeping and maintianing the records of the meetings and would also help in  the  implementation  of the  decision taken  in  general  body  meetings  of School Management Committee.

4.2.5 At least 20% parents/guardians should be present in the general body meeting of School Management Committee. The expenditure incurred on the meetings of School Management Committee would be borne out of school grants or out of prescribed accouts/head of the state government.

4.2.6 The general body of School Mangement Committee would approve the annual budget and would also review the work and expenditure of previous year. During the meeting general body can take-up any agenda items for discussion  and  decisions  related  to  the  improvement  of  school  working, school development plan, utilization of school g rant given by government from time to time.

4.3      Executive Committee of School Management Committee

4.3.1    The General body of School Management Committee would constitute an executive  council  for  the  smooth  implementation  of  works  related  to School and decisions taken by School Management Committee. Executive council will be fully authorized to spend budget approved by genral body and will be responsible to SMC.

In every complex where Primary. Midddle, High or Senior Secondary units exist; there would be only one general body of parents. Executive committee will have in addittion to the memebers specified for elementary schools, four parents of   students from 9th  and 10th  classes taken together and two teachers te4aching these classes. The Principal/Heaadmaster would be member secretary for such shcools.

4.3.2    The elected President of School Management Committee and nominated member secretary would also be the president and member secretary of executive council. The elected representative of Gram Panchayt and local elected ward member would also be the nominated member. In case of Middle schools (6tto 8tclasses) in place of ward member, President or vice Presdient of Gram Panchayat would be nominated members.

4.3.3   The members of the executive body of the School Managemetn Committee will  be  elected  in accordance  with the  RTE.  2009  provisions  and for discharge of its functions effectively, the executive body of the SMC can co-opt members of expert suggestions (for example Anganwari worker, health worker, eminent educationist from the area, NGO member, Yuvak Mandal, Mhaila Mandal, teacher working in school or retired teacher etc). These members can participate in the discussions of SMCs but they can not cast vote.

4.3.4    Executive committee would be responsible for implementation of decision of decision taken by SMC and for this purpose; monthly meetings of the Executive  Committee  will  be  held  on  the  first  Saturday  (in  case  of Saturday being a holiday, on first Friday) after lunch break. Expenditure for these meeetings would be meeting out     from school maintenance grant. . The minutes of the meeting would be recorded and maintained by

member secretary in a register. The register shall be available for public scrutiny and persual.

4.3.5    Member secretary of Executive council would record the signature of all memebers.  The  major  points  of  decisions  would  be  displayed  on  the school notice board. If due to any reason, the President of SMC is not in a position to attend the meeting of executive committtee any other member present in the meeting could be nominated as pro-tem president with the consent of a majority of members. In the absences of regualr president the proceeding would be submitted for observation/orders.

4.4           Powers and responsibilities of School Mangement Committee

School Management Committee with the help of its executive committee will have the authority to perform following functions:

4.4.1          Steps would be taken for enrollment, ensure retention and reduce dropout to achieve the Universlaization of education.
4.4.2          To  ensure  quality  education  and  to  monitor  learning  level  of students regualry. Student’s evaluation will be monitored by the system of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation and the progress cards should be discussed with parents and remedial steps to be taken accordingly.
4.4.3          To develop, implement and monitor School development plan.
4.4.4          To ensure proper utilization of g rantws received from government and any other agency.
4.4.5          To ensure timely availability of free text books, wiriting material, uniform, grants and scholarships too the students.
4.4.6          To ensure the implementation, quality and monitoring of Mid Day
4.4.7          To provide clean d r inking water and toilet facility and to ensrue cleanliness of toilets and school premises.
4.4.8          To organize regualr medical checkup for students in convergence with department of Health and also to maintian health cards.
4.4.9          To ensure the implementation of provisions of Right of Children to
Free and Compulsory Elementary Education Act-2009
4.4.10        Ensure   regular   attendance   of   students   and  teachers.   School Management will be empowered to bring to the notice of CHT/BEEOs for necessary action, the instances of absence and irregualrity in abserbing school timings by teachers. CHT/BEEOs will take necessary action on the request and inform the same to Deputy Director Education. If in the general house of any recommendation is made in this context, then departmental officer will be bound to take time-bound decision in the matter.

4.4.11        f  in  the  genral  house  of  the  SMC  while  praising  the  speical contribution of any teacher in the development of the school or the students, in its last meeting of the academic session recommends that such teacher should not be transferred and the General house sends such resolution to the Dy. Director of education, then such teacher shall not be transferred from such school during the next one session. Smilliarly if the General house of the SMC is not satisfied with the work of any teacher, and that teacher has completed her/his    normal tenure in the school, such teacher shall be transferred from that school. Such matters can be taken up for discussion only during the meeting convened after delcaration of examination result and in no other meeting such decision can be taken.
4.4.12        The School Management Committtee will carry out the annual apppraisal of the work done by the part time and the contract workers and the renewal of the contract will be done on the recommendation of the School Management Committee.
4.4.13        In proper identification of CWSN and bring them within the fold of integranted education.
4.4.14        To provide support in the co-curricular programmes, Bal-Melas, science fairs and sports activities and increase the participation of the community.
4.4.15        To  make  various  pruchases  for  the  school,  subject  to  budget avialability,     for   instance,   th Teaching   Learning   Material, furniture, s tationary and other items required for the school, lab instruments, library books, writing material for the students as per government shcemes, various kits, school dresses, computer and related equipment etc.
4.4.16        To  carryout  the  constructions  work/repair  work  of  the  school building and other infrastuctural facilities. The SMC will have the authority to carry out the construction/repairs itself or get it done as per the directions. For this purpose, the SMC may constitute a sub-committee or may enter into a contract with a competent institution or the Panchyat.

The utilization of the annual school grant and the maintenance grant shall also be done through the School Management Committtee.

4.4.17        Ensure proper utilization of the library available in the school for increasing the habit of reading among the students.
4.4.18        Required,  to  select  the  part-time/contract  teachers  as  per  the Governemtn Policy but the SMC will not have the authority to appoint any part time /contraact worker without the approval of the authorized officer.

4.4.19        Submit the annual reprot of the SMC in the General House and to make available, its one copy to the concerned Gram Panchyat and the Centre Head Teacher.
4.4.20        inanical Resources of the School Management Committee:

4.5  The financial resources of the School Management Committee may be received from the following sources:

4.5.1       Out of the grants received form the government, the School Grant, maintenace grant, Grant in aid, building grant or other budgetary allocation made by the government.
4.5.2       Out of the grants as may be given to the SMC by the Non-government organizations, local bodies (urban or rural).
4.5.3       Voluntary donation/deposits by the parents/community members
4.5.4       The  fees  of  the  utilization  of  shool  premises  for  fairs  or  other community objectives.
4.5.5       The bank account of the funds of the SMC will be opened and run under the joint signatures of the President and the Member Secretary. In case of change of President after the first annual meeting, the signature of the new President shall be conveyed to the Bank.
4.5.6       The annual accounts of the expenditure incurred will be submitted by the Member Secretary for the persual of the genral house and will be made available for social audit or for audit to the agency authorized by the government for audit.

4.6   Preparation of School Development Plan  for the purpose of section 22

4.6.1       The School Management Committee shall prepare a School Development Plan at least three months before the end of the financial year in which it is first constituted under the Act.
4.6.2       The School Development Plan shall be a three year plan copmrising three annual sub plans.
4.6.3       The School Development Plan, shall contain the following details –

1)  Estimates of class-wise enrolment for each year;
2) Requirement, over the three year period, of the number of additional teachers, including Head Teacher, subject teachers and part time teachers, separately for Classes I to V and classes VI to VIII, calculated, with reference to the norms specified in the Shedule
3) Physical requirement of additional infrastructure and equipements over the three year period, calculated, with reference to the norms and standards specified in the Schedule
4) Additional financial requirement over the three year period, year- wise , in respect of (b) and (c) above, including additional requirement  for  providing  special  training  facility  specified  in

section 4, entitlements of children such as free text books and uniforms, and any other additional financial requirement for fulfilling the responsibilities of the school under the Act.

The School Development Plan should be signed by the Chairperson/Vice-        Chairperson and Convener of the School Management Committee and submitted to the local authority before the end of the financial year in which it is to be prepared.

4.7 Training:

4.7.1       The Elementary Education Department will make arrangements from time to  time  for  the  training  of  the  memebers  of  the  SMC  so  that  their capacities may be utilized for the management of the school to the maximum extent.

4.8 Encouragement:

4.8.1       For encounraging the SMCs who are doing good work in the field of elementary education, the Elementary education Department will frame a scheme and will honour such committees at the district and the block level.


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